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Back in September it was Barry’s 40th birthday and as a surprise I booked us a child free weekend in London. I booked the train, the hotel and tickets to see Brian and Robin’s Christmas Compendium (a science and comedy show) at the Hammersmith Apollo. Since Toby was born nearly five and a half years ago we have had precisely two nights away as a couple. Read more
Having your kids’ school supplies labeled is very important if you don’t want to keep replacing stuff you’ve already bought. No matter how many times you replace them, one thing is very sure: kids will always lose things at school. As a parent you’re probably not only thinking about your commitment and responsibility to your kids’ education, you’re most likely worried about the stress that comes with school time too. Read more
As you may well know I turned 40 years old in May. A couple of months later I received a letter from my GP inviting me to go for an NHS Health Check. This health check is offered every five years to adults in England aged between 40 and 74 who don’t have any pre-existing medical conditions. I wasn’t really sure what to expect from my NHS health check so I thought I would share my experience with you. Read more
I’ve not completed one of these blogger tags for quite a while. If you’re not a blogger then don’t worry about the name – this is just a chance for me to answer a load of random questions and for you to find out a bit more about me! Read more
Now that this year’s holidays are over (you can read about our trip to France here), I find myself thinking about next year and where I’d like to go with the family. We won’t manage all these trips, but it’s good to dream! I thought I’d share some of the destinations I’ve been thinking about with you, in case you are wanting to book your 2019 holidays now. Read more
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The temperatures are starting to drop, the nights are getting darker and we’re moving towards November. Now is the best time to start thinking about preparing your home for winter. I’m sharing my top 10 tips to prepare your home for winter both inside and out. Some will save you money, and some will help to prevent any home disasters this winter! Read more
If you’ve been following my blog for a while then you might know I came up with a (sort of) plan on my 39th birthday to be Fit by 40. Well, I turned 40 in May, and wrote then about how I had got on. I didn’t quite achieve everything I wanted to so the plan has evolved in to my ‘Fit at 40’ plan and I thought it was time I shared a little update. Read more
It’s been a while since I wrote my last Likes and Loves post – I think the summer just got away from me! And in fact my last post was for May and June, so maybe I’ll just keep to writing them every two months, maybe I’ll have a bit more to say then. So anyway, as we head into September and autumn is upon us, here are my #LittleLoves – the summer edition. Read more
I’ve not been writing much in the way of personal posts lately and I think that’s because I’ve had quite a bit going on and not really known how to write about it. Before I start, this isn’t a ‘woe is me’ post – I’m doing OK but I just wanted to share a bit of what has been going on with me lately. Read more
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Around this time last year I wrote about our garden makeover plans… and if I’m honest we’ve done absolutely nothing to the garden since. Until this week! But more about that in a minute. Last summer we did hire a gardener to come and cut the grass every couple of weeks – we have so much of it that we could never keep on top of it. Read more