Night & Day themed kids’ bedroom

Space prints

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OK, so I’ve been meaning to write this post for a long time – we decorated the boys’ bedroom in a night and day theme as soon as we got the keys and before we even moved into our house…and that was two years ago! Up until recently Toby has been in a single bed and Gabe still in his cot, but a few weeks ago we got them bunk beds and the room has had a bit of an update so I decided it was about time I got round to writing about it.

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10 top tips to prepare your home for winter

Bleed your radiators

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The temperatures are starting to drop, the nights are getting darker and we’re moving towards November. Now is the best time to start thinking about preparing your home for winter. I’m sharing my top 10 tips to prepare your home for winter both inside and out. Some will save you money, and some will help to prevent any home disasters this winter! Read more

Planning our home improvements (and how we’re going to pay for them)

Our house that looks like a bungalow from the front

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It’s now over two years since we moved from Scotland to our new house here in Lancashire. I’ve written a few times before about the work we have already done and some of our plans for the future. We are planning on staying in this house for the long term so although we are interested in adding value to the property we are more concerned with making it the house we want to live in. Read more

Our hall way makeover on a budget

Middle hall way after

We moved into our house almost two years ago now. We decorated Toby and Gabe’s room just before we moved in and then completely replaced the kitchen after just a few months. But since then our redecoration plans rather ground to a halt, mostly due to lack of funds. Just before Christmas (I know, it’s taken a while for me to write about it!) though we decided to try and give our hall way a makeover on a budget. Read more

My changing home style // Plans for updating our house

Tips for Spring Cleaning your Kitchen

It’s funny how your style changes over time. I know a lot of it is to do with current fashions – I know I’m a sucker for jumping on style bandwagons, especially when it comes to the style I like in my house. I bought my own flat back in 2004 and completely redecorated most of it in the six years I lived there. There was a lot of beige and coffee colours, and a lot of IKEA furniture. Read more

How to know when you and your family have outgrown your home

Saying goodbye to the old house

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Remember those dreamy days when you and your partner bought your first home together? You spent hours trawling through magazines for inspiration, decorated the spare room in an on-trend colour and relished the freedom and independence it gave you.

But now the spare rooms are filled with kids (you wouldn’t change this for the world, though!) and your house is bursting at the seams with clutter. Read more

The ultimate toolkit for DIY and gardening novices

DIY toolkit

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They say a workman is only as good as his, or her,  tools, and this is no less true than when you’re doing work around your home and garden. 

From choosing the right footwear to arming yourself with all the right equipment, this must-have list of tools should have you finding yourself well on your way to DIY perfection – in the home and garden. Having lived on my own for 8 years before I met Barry I amassed quite a collection of DIY and gardening equipment but if you’re just starting out in your own home then this is the list for you! Read more

Make your family home a better place to be

Girl in a happy home

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You want your family home to be a safe haven for you and your loved ones. You want it to have a great atmosphere. You want to be relaxed, happy, content – all of those good things when you’re all spending time in there together. Perhaps your family home doesn’t feel like that right now, or you just want to make some changes to ensure you’re all feeling as great in it as possible. Read more