I have to admit that Pinterest is still a bit of a mystery to me. I mean, I understand it and I know it is basically a search engine, but I haven’t quite figured out how to make it drive traffic to my blog yet. It’s just another one of those things that seems to need a lot of time put into it, and at the moment that’s time I don’t have! Read more
Ten things I love // Instagram accounts
I love Instagram (most of the time) and it’s the social media platform I’ve focused most of my energy on for the last year. I’ve written before about how I use Instagram for microblogging, although I haven’t been posting quite as regularly of late. I’m even embracing Instagram stories when I remember!
Anyway, today isn’t about me, rather I’m going to share 10 Instagram accounts that I love to follow, and that I think you should too! Read more
Facebook // Ten years on
I joined Facebook on 6th June 2007, 10 years and 4 months ago. It was just 9 months after Facebook had opened up to anyone over the age of 13 who had an email address. Before Facebook I had been on Bebo (I had actually completely forgotten about it until I saw a mention of it on my early Facebook timeline!) and before that Friends Reunited had helped me find some old school friends. Read more
Fit by 40 // The weight loss diaries (Day 111-149)
Here’s the latest instalment in my weight loss diaries – I’m now up to 149 days and 30 lbs lost. There are a few of my diary updates from September and then I’ll bring you up to date with what’s been going on for the last month, and where I go from here.You can read the rest of my Fit by 40 posts here. Read more
Making our own Christmas traditions
I know it’s a bit early to be talking about Christmas but we’ve just started thinking about what we’re going to be doing on Christmas Day this year and it got me thinking about Christmas Traditions.
For my whole childhood Christmas was exactly the same every year. I never really thought at the time that we had Christmas traditions but I suppose the very definition of a tradition is repeatedly doing the same thing over and over again, and that’s exactly what we did. Read more
Am I depriving my child of superheroes?
Toby is four years and three months old. He’s never dressed up as Superman, or Spiderman or Batman – to be honest I’d be surprised if he even knew who they were. He doesn’t want to be Ironman, or a Power Ranger, he only became aware of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles about a month ago. Read more
500 words on Winona Ryder
Today’s prompt for Blogtober was Unusual Crushes and after wracking my brains to come up with something I was at a loss, because I don’t know about you but I don’t think there’s anything unusual about fancying the entire Fellowship of the Ring (except the dwarf – I’m not that weird).
Anyway, in the absence of any unusual crushes of my own my lovely husband offered to write a post for me instead. And so I give you…. 500 words on Winona Ryder. Read more
What will life be like for the teenagers of the 2020s?
Toby will become a teenager in 2026 and Gabe will join him in teenager-dom in 2028. For someone who was born in the 1970s the 2020s feels like it is properly in ‘the future’. Do you ever wonder what life will be like for your kids when they’re older? I wonder if we’ll see the same enormous changes in the next 20 years as we’ve seen in the last 20? Read more
How yoga helps me to relax
How do you relax? A long bath with good book? A glass of wine? Netflix and chocolate? Running or Zumba? Since having kids the amount of relaxation time available has greatly reduced so I really have to make the most of it. Read more
Quotes to inspire you
I’m not a big one for quotes really – you won’t often find me posting an inspirational quote on Facebook or Instagram. So when it came to writing a post about quotes for Blogtober I turned to some of my fellow bloggers to help me out. I asked them to tell me their favourite quotes that inspire them or make them happy, and this is what they came up with… Read more