What makes a good Pinterest Pin? // My top five

I have to admit that Pinterest is still a bit of a mystery to me. I mean, I understand it and I know it is basically a search engine, but I haven’t quite figured out how to make it drive traffic to my blog yet. It’s just another one of those things that seems to need a lot of time put into it, and at the moment that’s time I don’t have!

What makes a good Pinterest pin? My top 5 pins

Having said that, when I have a post I think might do well on Pinterest – something like a recipe or a how to post then I do take the time to create a Pin and post it to my own boards and to some group boards I’m a member of too. Now I’m no expert but I thought I’d share my five most popular Pins to date.

As you can see there is quite a selection but can see that all but the first one have a similar look and use the same fonts. I actually went back through some of my old posts and updated the Pins of those that I thought would do well. I do get some blog traffic from Pinterest but it is far from my biggest referrer. I’ve tried schedulers like Tailwind but I still can’t quite figure it out. If anyone has any simple (and quick) tips to help then I’d love to hear them!

This is the thirtieth post in my #Blogtober series – you can read the rest of the posts here.

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