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We were back at Forest School this weekend, and after rain nearly every day for the last week we were super lucky with the weather and had sun all morning. It’s starting to get a bit chilly now though, it was definitely winter coat and woolly hat weather!
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And just like that it’s October. September seems to have gone past so fast, but then it also feels like the boys have been back at school for ages now. They are both still enjoying being back and thankfully their school remains Covid free for now!
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Now the boys are back at school I never feel like I have very much to say in these weekly posts. Life just speeds along when we’re in our normal routine of school five days a week. So far there haven’t been any Covid cases in the boys school so I’m hoping it stays that way!
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It’s been another good week for Toby and Gabe back at school. Gabe especially is absolutely loving being back and he is really thriving in Year 1. Toby is doing great too but doesn’t seem quite as enthusiastic about Year 3 – I think being in the juniors now is a bit of a change for him.
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Ten days back at school, both the boys have colds and it feels like they’ve never been away! Actually, apart from the colds it’s been a good week back. Toby and Gabe both seem to have settled in really well to their new classes, and are dealing with all the covid changes without any fuss too.
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Well we finally got there. After nearly 6 months off school, last week Toby and Gabe both went back to school full time. I’m so proud of how well they have coped with all the time at home and everything that has gone on since March but I think it was a relief to all of us when they walked back through their classroom doors on Wednesday.
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One more day to go! Tomorrow Toby and Gabe are both going back to school and if I’m honest, I can’t wait! They both really need to get back to the routine of school, seeing their friends, engaging their brains and not spending 24 hours a day with each other. And I’m just looking forward to a few hours of peace and quiet.
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So here I am with another late Living Arrows post. It’s going to be a short one this week too because I really don’t have much to say, we’re just plodding on now and I’m counting down the days until the boys go back to school next week!
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I’m back again, although a little bit late with my Living Arrows post this week. After another fairly quiet week (apart from the addition of a swimming lesson), on Sunday we headed up to the Lake District for another couple of nights of camping.
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Well, that’s another week done and we’re half way through the summer holidays. Although, we’ve been at home for so long now I seem to have lost all sense of time, I don’t even know what day it is half the time!
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