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Well, despite my best intentions back at the start of November I didn’t manage to keep up with these Living Arrows posts for the rest of year but I didn’t think I should let 2022 end without one last post. And as for 2023? At this point who knows, but I’m not planning on disappearing altogether just yet!
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Here we are again, we’ve had a lovely chilled week off school and we’re almost at the end of our first week back…and it’s only six weeks until the Christmas holidays!! We do break up a full week before Christmas this year though so we’ll have a bit longer to wait for the day itself.
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Well, it’s been a while! I’m a bit disappointed that after 9 years of writing these Living Arrows posts (almost) every week I’ve missed so many in a row. But sometimes life just gets in the way and there’s not really any point in getting annoyed at myself about it…
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A few week back at school and it feels like we’ve never been away! Of course it’s been a bit odd with the Queen’s death and an extra day off but we’ve mostly settled back into our routines.
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This last week has seen us back to school and back to reality with a bump. The summer holidays seem to fly by this year but then it was a still a shock to be back to early mornings, packed lunches and the tiredness that comes from a new school year (for me as well as the boys!)
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The week between our holiday and going back to school was a quiet one mostly spent at home. There was plenty of washing and cleaning to do and the boys were happy to have a few days mostly spent on screens!
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Last week we were on holiday in the Loire region on France. I’ve worked in lots of different areas of France but the Loire is one of the places I never worked, and have only been to a few times on holiday. It was a long drive from the north west down to Dover, where we stayed overnight, and then another long day in the car to get to our campsite.
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I’m writing this sitting on a campsite in France, the boys are asleep and Barry and I just managed to have a game of Scrabble without falling out!
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I’ve got a bit behind again (so what’s new?!) so I’m going to write a double post this week. I said in my last post that the summer holidays were flying by and they really are – I can’t believe we’re half way through already! We’ve had another busy few weeks with a camping trip last weekend, a visit to see my brother, a night at Cub camp for me and Toby and a trip to the opticians for all of us.
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Is it just me or are the holidays absolutely flying by? I can’t believe we’re into August already and looking at our calendar we really don’t have that many days without any plans before we go back to school. I mean some of those days only have things like eye tests, or swimming lessons and the rest of the day is free but it still feels pretty chocka!
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