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Well, we made it to the end of term, now I’m just crossing everything that we don’t get a message to say either of the boys has to self-isolate this week. We don’t have any big plans but still being in Tier 3 we’re hoping to see my mum, dad and brother on Christmas Day. With the way things are at the moment though anything could change in the next 5 days couldn’t it?
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Although we haven’t done much of anything at home for the last week, the boys have been doing lots of Christmassy things at school. Last week they even had a flying visit from Father Christmas who arrived in an actual helicopter!
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Here we are again – I don’t know about anyone else but time seems to be absolutely flying at the moment! For once this week I actually have something to write about as we actually did stuff this weekend for what feels like the first time in months!
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Here I am again, only a few days since I wrote my last Living Arrows post! I can’t believe we’re on week 48 already, and that it’s December tomorrow! Despite the fact we’ve hardly done anything except work and school for the last few months it seems to have gone by very quickly.
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Oops! I almost forgot all about doing my Living Arrows post this week. Actually I probably would have forgotten about it all together if my mum hadn’t texted me to ask where it was! So anyway, here we are…
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I feel like a broken record with these posts at the moment because I just don’t have anything new to tell you every week. We are really sticking to the lockdown measures so apart from going to school and the occasional trip to the supermarket we aren’t going anywhere at all.
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As we headed back into lockdown, and were on the edge of our seats waiting to see who won the US election, everything else continued much the same as normal for us. As I mentioned last week Toby’s class had to self-isolate due to a case of Covid so after three days of home learning (the rest of the isolation was during half term) he was able to go back to school on Thursday.
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This post is super late again this week, I really must try harder! We had a lovely relaxing half term with lots of time playing card games, watching TV and playing video games and a lot of rain!
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I’m a few days late with my Living Arrows post this week. We are definitely making the most of half term and having lots of lazy days at home. In fact I don’t think the boys got out of their pyjamas all weekend!
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Just one more week of school to go before the boys break up for half term and they are so ready for it! Gabe especially is very tired at the moment which comes out as being very emotional about everything.
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