The last week seems to have flown by again. I can’t quite believe we’re into August already – it’ll be September before we know it and (fingers crossed) the boys will be going back to school!
Read moreLiving Arrows 31/52 (2020)

Living Arrows is a weekly linky celebrating childhood. The project originally took its name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” and every Monday I share what we’ve been up to during the past week along with a picture of each of the boys.
I’ve been writing these posts since January 2014 and you can find all of the posts below.
The last week seems to have flown by again. I can’t quite believe we’re into August already – it’ll be September before we know it and (fingers crossed) the boys will be going back to school!
Read moreWell, that’s one week of the summer holidays done, only five more to go! We had a lovely first week though. Barry had the week off work, and we went on our first ever family camping trip!
Read moreAt last, home school is over, Gabe has finished at school and we are in the summer holidays! For the last couple of years I’ve started the summer break a bit worried about having the boys at home for six weeks but after the last four months another six weeks seems like no time at all!
Read moreWe’re finally into the home straight – the boys break up from school at the end of the week and home school will be over at last! Well that’s assuming that everything stays on track and they do both get to go back to school in September.
Read moreThe last week has been a little different for us as Gabe went back to school on Monday. The first day he went back with no problems or complaining and had a lovely time. We had a bit more moaning on the other days but on the whole it’s been great for him being back.
Read moreWow, week 26! I can’t believe we’re half way through the year. 2020 will definitely go down in all our memories as one of the weirdest ones we’ve ever had. We might be half way through the year but it really doesn’t feel like it after spending the last three months almost entirely in our house!
Read moreI’m back again, albeit a little late this week. This is mostly because I hadn’t taken any pictures of Toby and Gabe at all last week so I had to wait until I had some to use. Lock down restrictions might be easing around the country but everything is still continuing the same as it has been around here for the last 12 or 13 weeks (or however long it’s been now!)
Read moreHere we are again. Another Monday, another Living Arrows post. And like most weeks I have nothing new to tell you this week really. The weather has been a bit rubbish all week so we haven’t even really been out of the house.
Read moreLast week we were back to our lock down normal with a bit of home learning, and probably too much TV and PlayStation. I’ve given up worrying about screen time now though to be honest – I’m just going with whatever keeps everybody happy!
Read moreFinally, I have something different to write about this week! Last week we took a half term holiday from school work, and Barry had a few days off work too. It was my birthday on Thursday which we celebrated with afternoon tea at home, and on Friday we all left the house together for the first time in over 10 weeks.
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