I’m a few days late with my Living Arrows post this week. We are definitely making the most of half term and having lots of lazy days at home. In fact I don’t think the boys got out of their pyjamas all weekend!
We’ve relaxed our screen time rules a bit while the boys are off school. Gabe still loves playing on his ‘tiny telly’ (they both have Kindle Fires which have always been known as tiny tellies in our house) whenever he gets the chance.

Toby loves a bit of screen time too but this holiday he seems to have been playing more imaginative games too. We have so many toys that hardly ever get played with but whenever I suggest getting rid of them I am always met with a lot of protests!
Yesterday Toby dug out some wooden bowls and counters that we’ve had for years (they were great for colour matching and counting when the boys were younger) and made up a whole game where he hid different counters under the bowls and Gabe had to choose and score points. It was a fairly simple game but it kept them occupied for ages.

I hope you’re enjoying your half term if your children are off this week, and that you’re getting better weather than us!
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
We had a very relaxed half term and I think we all needed it x
Our screen time always goes up a level when they’re off school. I think everything relaxes a bit! x