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It’s another rainy Monday here in the North West. I’m really hoping this weather sorts itself out by the end of the month because we’ve got our first camping trip of the year booked at half term! Anyway, it’s been another normal week here with nothing very exciting going on. I’m just grateful for every week we get through without anybody’s bubble bursting or having to self-isolate!
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Is anyone else confused about what day it is after the bank holiday weekend? The weather seems to be confused the last few days too – after lovely weather for a few weeks and walking to school with no coats, the last few days have been cold, wet and windy. I even had to get my winter coat out again today!
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Another week back at school done – it still feels like such a relief when the boys manage another full week in school without someone’s bubble bursting, or even another lockdown being announced! I’m really hoping that this is it now and they’ll be in school full time until the summer, but you just never know do you?
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I’m back to my old ways again this week with not getting this post written until halfway through the week (sorry Mum!) The boys have been back at school for a week and a half and have settled right back in. We had telephone parents’ evening calls this week with both their teachers and they are both doing so well at school. And I got a pat on the back too for everything we did at home during the last lockdown!
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Good morning! I’ve actually managed to write my post so it’s ready to go out on Monday morning this week! The boys are back to school today after a very relaxing and chilled out two weeks off. I think the 7 weeks until they get another holiday is going to feel like a long time, especially after being at home for so much of the last 12 months!
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Hello again! As I mentioned last week we’ve not had a lot of plans for these Easter holidays – we did make the most of the change in Covid regulations and go to see my mum and dad in their garden last week. We haven’t been there since last summer so the boys had fun looking around, and fishing weeds out of the pond – Toby did manage to find a newt as well though!
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We’ve spent the first few days of the Easter holidays just chilling out at home. The boys are still both recovering from their colds, and are tired even though they were only actually back in school for three weeks, so we’re just taking it easy and taking our time to get back to full strength.
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Hello! I’m here again after another week, and without a lot to say. The boys had another good week at school last week, although Gabe has brought a cold home and kindly shared it with the rest of us! The weather was a bit better than the week before too so we could walk the school runs which is always nice.
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I’m a bit late with my Living Arrows post this week, mostly because I hadn’t taken any photos of the boys at all last week. They’ve settled back into the school routine as if they’ve never been away really, and I’ve been making the most of a quiet house to get it all clean and tidy again after them being at home for the last six weeks!
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We made it! The boys are going back to school this morning and we’re all really hoping that our home learning experience is over for good! To be honest it hasn’t been too bad this time round – Toby and Gabe have been amazing at coping with everything and we’re super proud of them but I know there is so much that they get from school that we just can’t give them at home.
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