Oops! I almost forgot all about doing my Living Arrows post this week. Actually I probably would have forgotten about it all together if my mum hadn’t texted me to ask where it was! So anyway, here we are…

I just took these pictures on the way home from school today. We had got really lazy with the school run last year and often used the car. Since September we’ve been loads better and we walk nearly all the time. Now he’s in Year 3 Toby has a backpack rather than a book bag – I think it makes him look so much more grown up somehow.

And Gabe still just looks little and cute (well most of the time anyway!) I love how much he likes wearing hats, just like his mummy – he chooses a different one nearly every day. His head never seems to get any bigger though – he’s been wearing some of his hats since he was two I think!
Anyway, I really don’t have anything else to say. The boys have an inset day tomorrow but as we’ve just found out we’re back in Tier 3 I don’t think we’ll be going very far. They have requested a McDonalds so we might manage a drive-thru but other than that I think it will just be a day for chilling at home. We might even put the Christmas decorations up!
I hope you’re all holding up OK. I’ll try find something a bit more interesting to write about for next week!
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
We do the school run on foot every day now and I love it. It used to be a nightmare trying to park at school. Bless your mum asking where your post was! x
I love that your mum asked where the post is! My mum would do the same. I hope you had a good inset day x
We had an Inset day to and It as lovely not rushing out the door. I love how your Mum just like my Mum looks forward to our Living arrows posts! x
ha ha my mum reads mine too! Especially this year.. Hope you had a good inset day x