Siblings // Toby and Gabe in December (2017)

Gabe thinks his brother is the best thing ever

So here we are in December and we’ve made it to the end of another year of Siblings posts, even if I did miss out a few months at the start of the year! I’m a couple of days late with this month’s post though – which is partly because I didn’t really have any pictures of Toby and Gabe, but also because I couldn’t think of anything very positive to say! Read more

Would a lottery win change your Christmas?

Would Christmas be different if you won the lottery?

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Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you won the lottery?  I remember when the UK National Lottery started in 1994 – I had a weekend job in a newsagents at the time and everyone was so excited playing the first few draws. I used to play every week but never won more than about £30. I didn’t play for years and years, and then for a while I would buy the odd EuroMillions ticket but never won. Read more

Living Arrows 50/52 (2017)

Toby posting his letter to Father Christmas

Week 50  – only another weeks to go before the end of the year, and I’ll have completed my fourth year of Living Arrows. This week has mostly been about Christmas (unsurprisingly!) – there’s been a lot of talk about the baby Jesus from Toby, and he’s still been practising for his nativity, which he’s doing tomorrow and Wednesday. Read more

Living Arrows 49/52 (2017)

Gabe doing his 'cheese' face

Another week gone and now we’re actually in December it feels like Christmas is just around the corner. Toby is busy practising for his school nativity, there’s the Christmas fair on Friday this week, I’ve got a night out with some of the school mum’s next weekend, and Barry’s got two Christmas nights out coming up in the next couple of weeks too. Read more

Top tips for living a more sustainable life

An electric car for more sustainable transport

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I wouldn’t say we are the most eco-friendly family ever but we try to do our bit to help the environment and life a more sustainable life whenever we can. I thought I would share a few of the things we do to try and minimise our impact on the environment, and some of the things we would like to do some time in the near future – like get an electric car! Read more

Practical presents (That aren’t aftershave!)

Christmas presents

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With the winter well and truly upon us, talk naturally turns to what to buy people for Christmas. There is always the dilemma with Christmas shopping, go for the big surprise, or go for something practical. Now, the argument here is to go for practical items, but, these following items are, hopefully, going to have a very practical approach to your way of living. No deodorant or aftershave here! Let’s dive in. Read more