Back to school with Bassetts Vitamins Omega-3 + Multivitamins Orange Flavour Pastilles

Bassetts vitamins taste like orange juice

**Post in association with Bassets Vitamins

Like children all around the country Toby and Gabe have just finished their first half term back at school after the summer. And with a return to school comes the tiredness from early mornings and long days. One way I know I can help the boys cope with that tiredness the best they can is to make sure they are getting all the necessary nutrients they need from a healthy balanced diet.

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Fit by 40 // The weight loss diaries (Day 47-59)

Fit by 40 weight loss diaries

It’s time for another update in my weight loss and fitness story – you can read my last up date here. I’m still plodding on – a total of 16lb lost now (and 3 inches off my waist) and although it’s coming off quite slowly I have lost weight every single week. I can only call that a success I reckon.

15th July 2017 (Day 47)

Cake. I ate all the cake. Well not quite all the cake but a lot of it anyway. I’m trying not to beat myself up about it but it’s hard not to. And we’ll see what effect it has on the scales on Tuesday. I’ve been back at my yoga the last couple of days though and that’s a start. So I’m just treating this as a bit of a break week and I’ll properly get back on it from now. Today was pretty good actually so I’m going to be positive and take it from there. The trouble I always find with losing weight is that I lose a stone or so and then think ‘oh, I look/ feel so much better than before, that’ll do’ when really I need to keep on going if I’m ever going to get to my pre-baby (and pre-3 week honeymoon in America) weight. Onwards and upwards (or should that be downwards?)

18th July 2017 (Day 50)

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