Apart from our trip to Dundee on Wednesday we’ve had a fairly quiet week here, recovering from our coughs and colds and trying to keep out of the still miserable weather.
This week’s Living Arrows photos were just taken in the house, and I’m still struggling to get any decent light, even during the day!
Gabe is developing so quickly…but it does mean he needs to be entertained all the time now. His sitting up still isn’t brilliant so he seems to enjoy playing in this Mamas & Papas seat that I got second hand off a local Facebook selling page. Saying that he only manages about 10 or 15 minutes at a push before he gets fed up of it. I did get some pictures of him smiling but I quite like the quizzical expression on his face in this one…
And as for Toby this week. Well he quite likes having his picture taken at the moment, especially if I’ve got the camera out to take photos of Gabe. He also seems to constantly have his tongue out at the moment, although I have no idea why! So anyway, that’s why we ended up with this picture…
Aaahhh so cute #livingarrows
Look at little Gabe!!!! both boys are gorgeous but that top photo was just to much for me to cope with, lol! #Livingarrows
Wow they both seem to have got so much bigger! Love the cheeky shot of Toby!
Oh your boys are just beautiful – their eyes! Ha ha we are getting tongues out all the time too!! Mim x x #livingarrows
N’s the same at the moment – tongue’s out all the time when he’s concentrating or whereveer else he is.