The last week seems to have flown by again. I can’t quite believe we’re into August already – it’ll be September before we know it and (fingers crossed) the boys will be going back to school!
After our camping trip we had fairly quiet week at home this last week. The landscaping work on our garden has finally started so we need to be at home to keep an eye on things and make decisions about things as they come up. I’m so looking forward to it all being finished in a few weeks time and hopefully having a garden that we can really make use of with space for the boys to play.
Because they can’t really play outside at all at the moment, on Friday we went to meet my mum and dad at the Scout campsite round the corner that my dad helps to look after. It’s not open at the moment so Toby and Gabe got to have a bit of a run around and I took a few pictures of some refurb work they’re doing to put on their website.
I took some pictures for this week’s post while I was there too. It was super hot here on Friday and I think you can tell looking at this picture of Gabe…

Toby never seems to get as hot and sweaty as the rest of us, even with all that hair! He was happy enough to go and get an ice cream to cool down on our way home though.

We don’t really have any plans for this week beyond staying at home and watching the garden progress. Our Forest School sessions are starting back up next weekend too so we’ve got that to look forward to as well.
Until next week…
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
Forest school sounds fun! It was far too hot here on Friday too, I had visions of us frolicking in the pool eating ice creams all day but it actually resulted in being indoors with the fan on watching Peppa Pig
Katrina x
I can’t believe it’s August either – just crazy! Aw it’ll be such a relief for you when the garden’s finished 🙂 Lovely photos! #livingarrows
I can’t get over how grown up Gabe is looking. All the children seem to have matured so much since lockdown x
That’s great that forest school is back on. I imagine very much needed whilst your garden is out of action x #livingarrows
The garden landscaping sounds exciting, I would love to get our garden done. Gorgeous photos x