Last week we were back to our lock down normal with a bit of home learning, and probably too much TV and PlayStation. I’ve given up worrying about screen time now though to be honest – I’m just going with whatever keeps everybody happy!
We did have a slightly different day on Tuesday when we went to see my mum and dad. They’ve got quite a big garden so we could keep at a safe distance, the sun was still shining and the boys were happy just running around and watering the plants for a bit.
I forgot to take any pictures while we were there though so this weeks photos were just taken at home yesterday when the boys had a pyjama day. I usually insist they get dressed during the week but they often stay in PJs for at least one day of the weekend.

Gabe was concentrating hard on his MineCraft game here. It’s been pretty much all they have both wanted to play lately. I don’t actually mind it too much, at least it encourages them to use their imaginations and it involves quite a lot of problem solving too. Some of the things Toby has built especially are amazing – I don’t think I would be able to do it!

Although Gabe is usually happy to just watch Toby play on the PlayStation when it’s not his turn, Toby tends to get a bit bored of watching his brother so will often go and see what Daddy is doing on the computer next door instead.
They’ve been playing some city building game together recently and were playing a sort of puzzle solving game before that. I have do say I do appreciate these computer game times though because I don’t usually get involved and so I get an hour or so of peace and quiet most afternoons!
We’re back to home learning again tomorrow, although not a lot is getting done at the moment really. We weren’t planning on sending Gabe back yet but the council have recommended that schools in Lancashire don’t open to more children at the moment anyway. It’s looking more and more likely it’s going to be September (at least) before the boys will be back at school so we’ll just keep doing our best at home and hope they manage OK when it is time for them to go back…
That’s all from me for this week anyway, I hope you’re keeping safe and staying sane, and I’ll be back next week with another Living Arrows post.
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
Sounds like a good week – we also met up with some family this week 🙂 Hope you enjoyed it xx #livingarrows
It must have been lovely to see your parents. I love the boys’ concentrating faces in this week’s photos! x
Lovely that you’ve managed to see your family. It seems like you have a good home balance. I think pj days, screen time and a bit of home learning are the new normal for most of us!
It’s hard to fill the day without having a pretty reasonable amount of screen time, especially in this weather! x #livingarrows
We took a trip to see my parents, and it made such a difference to us all. I hope you had a lovely time x
Minecraft is a big favourite here too, I think it really helps them with their problem solving skills. So nice that you got to see your parents. We managed a trip to the inlaws at the weekend too