Living Arrows 41/52 (2021)

Toby looking down with his face illuminated by his tablet screen

I started writing these Living Arrows posts in 2014 and in seven and a half years I have only missed two weeks, and that was back in 2015… until last week! I always used to write the post on a Sunday night, ready to publish on a Monday morning, but for the last month or so they have been getting later and later in the week.

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Living Arrows 37/52 (2021)

Toby in a green Cub jumper holding a yellow 'Cub of the Week badge

So apparently going back to work pretty much full time doesn’t leave much time for anything else, especially writing blog posts! The last week seems to have flown by – with full days at school and they trying to fit everything else in in the few hours between coming home and bed time it feels like I barely have time to stop for more than five minutes!

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Living Arrows 35/52 (2021)

Toby holding a big stick over his shoulder as if he is ready to throw it like a javelin

It’s time for another quick Living Arrows post from me… I really need to get to bed because the boys (and me) are back to school tomorrow and I’m really trying to go to bed at a sensible time! I mentioned in my last post that we were about to go away for a camping weekend with friends and both of this week’s pictures were taken while we were away.

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