I’m not usually a big fan of clothes with logos or brand names on them but I am a bit of a sucker for a Gap hoodie. And we all know how I love a bit of twinning! We’ve got a Gap outlet not that far from us and I picked these two up when Gabe was only a couple of months old. To be honest they’re still a bit big for both of them but I thought I’d give them a try – and I think they fit well enough to get away with it.
I was trying to get Toby to put his arm round Gabe in this next picture but he wasn’t convinced it was a good idea I don’t think….
And this is Toby being affectionate – I think he thinks Gabe is a dog with the amount he pats him on the head!
They both look so cool and cosy! Love the contrasting colours too 🙂
Thanks for linking up to #FunkyKidFriday xx
Ahhh! A gap hoodie is such a classic! I remember the days when I was small enough to fit into the teen sized ones! They were a lot cheaper!
Love the head patting 🙂
They look adorable! I love twinning and love how you’ve just got them in diff colours fab! #funkykidfriday
Love these especially the orange one! Such cute boys you have.
GAP hoodies were such a big thing growing up, I should get one for my little boy. I love the colours that you chosen especially Gabe’s green one. they both look so cute twinning! #funkykidfriday
I am the same, not a fan of labels but there is something so classic about a gap hoodie and Finn has a gap hoodie romper thing that just looks so snuggly! THey remind me of my little two, Archie is either all over Finn (literally) or pats him on the head
They look fab together, especially loving the green one x #fkf