Living Arrows 17/52 (2016)

It’s been a bit of a funny week here – we had some lovely weather and even managed to get out into the garden for a picnic but then towards the end of the week we had some tough times again as Gabe seemed to be having either a reflux flare up or a bit of stomach bug and threw up whole bottles all over me a couple of times. He seems to be OK again now, fingers crossed.

Toby is in a real toddler phase of pushing boundaries at the moment too so there have been a few tears and tantrums from him this week too when he doesn’t always get his own way. Bedtimes have been particularly tricky territory with lots of messing about and not wanting to go to sleep, but he does usually calm down and accept it’s time for bed when he realises he’ll be left by himself instead of one of us staying with him until he falls asleep like we usually do. I know this is totally normal for this age but it’s so frustrating when he’s been so good up until now.

Anyway, toddler troubles aside, yesterday we went out for lunch at a local farm and fruit picking place that has a great shop and cafe, and a fab playground too. I’ll probably share some more photos later in the week but for now I love these two close ups of the boys…

Smiles from Toby on a windy spring day

Gabe getting some cuddles from mummy

Living Arrows

8 thoughts on “Living Arrows 17/52 (2016)

  1. oh no, whole bottles back up sounds dreadful, hopefully he is feeling a lot better now. Love the pic of him cuddled up to you
    Sophie x

  2. Poor Gabe, reflux is the worst. I hope he’s feeling better now? Tantrums are tough, aren’t they? How old is Toby? My eldest had been dreadful with them after being really good so I’ve started her on a reward chart and it seems (for now at least!) to have done the job. Might be worth a try? x

  3. Love Toby’s cheeky face! He will settle down, it’s an age thing isn’t it?! T is just the same! Gabe looks so content there – hope the milk sick incidents are over! x

  4. Aww I totally sympathise with the reflux – no fun for anyone 🙁 my two both had it. Look at their happy little faces though 🙂 #livingarrows

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