Another week has flown by – I can’t believe we’re on week 10 of the year already! This is such a short half term too. The boys have only just gone back to school and nursery but it’s only four weeks until they break up again!
Anyway, there was only one thing my boys’ pictures could be this week – World Book Day of course! Last year Toby really wasn’t sure about dressing up so we went for a simple Mr Nosey costume, which apart from a long nose was really just his normal (but green) clothes.
This year he was more enthusiastic about wearing a costume but I knew there was still a chance he might not want to do it on the day. So again we went with something that was mostly his own clothes but with a couple of bits that could easily be removed.
Toby has a grey hoody with a pointy hood (which is actually getting too small really, he’s had it ages!) and when he put it on a few weeks ago it reminded me of a pterandon in a book we’ve got called Dinosaurs are Cool. Gabe actually has the stuffed toy pterandon from the book and the hoody seemed a great starting point for a costume.
I made simple wings from a grey fleece blanket and the beak was made from cardboard covered with fleece and attached to a cheap cap. I made the eyes from ping pong balls stuck to fleece eyelids using a glue gun and then sewn onto the head part. It didn’t take too long or too much effort but I was actually really proud of my creation and more importantly Toby loved it!
When we first mentioned World Book Day to Gabe he said he didn’t want to dress up, but I think actually he just didn’t really know what we were talking about. After a bit more chat, and I think them probably mentioning it at nursery, we talked about what books we had that just had a boy in them that wouldn’t really need any special outfit.
We agreed on the boy from How to Catch a Star (affiliate link) – which just needed a stripey t-shirt and jeans, and he could take in a star cushion/ toy that we’ve got. Easy. But then I picked him up from nursery last week and all of a sudden he’d decided he wanted to be a dragon!
I probably could have rustled something up but a quick trip to Aldi sorted us out with this dragon costume for less than a fiver! And at least it’s something Toby and Gabe can play with after World Book Day is over. As it turned out, after I’d taken these pictures, and despite being excited about it for a week, Gabe decided he didn’t want to wear his costume after all. In fact the real problem was that he didn’t want to go to nursery but he obviously thought if he didn’t wear his outfit then he didn’t need to go.
He did still have to go of course and I popped his costume in his bag. When I went to pick him up it turned out that by lunch time he’d agreed to wear it after all, and he’d had a lovely day celebrating World Book Day with his friends.
These aren’t the best pictures this week (and I don’t normally include more than one of each of the boys in my Living Arrows posts) but these are the kinds of memories I started this blog to record, so they’ll have to do!
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
Those costumes are fantastic!
I can’t believe it’s 10 weeks into the year already either – where does the time go?!
The boys look fab dressed up for world book day, I love Toby’s pterandon costume you did a great job making it ! x #livingarrows
Toby’s costume is amazing, well done! I would be so proud of that if I’d made it! And love that Gabe did decide to put his costume on after all once he was there! x #LivingArrows
You win world book day! That pterandon costume is amazing! Lovely that Gabe decided to join in later in the day x
Their costumes are so different and unique! I haven’t seen anything like them so far. I can’t wait to dress my boys in costumes when they will get a little older đŸ™‚
Fab costumes, the Pteranodon is great! Brilliant Mummy points from the boys #livingarrows
These costumes are fantastic. You’ve got a great imagination. #LivingArrows
Its going by so quickly isn’t it? You are so clever making that costume it looks great! So impressive. Kipper didn’t celebrate world book day, its probably just as well as he really doesn’t want to dress up at all! Glad that he finally got to be a dragon too xx
Their outfits are awesome! World Book Day is always a highlight of our school year x
You did a great job! My girls get so excited about World Book Day. Alice plans who she is going to go as weeks in advance x