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A week of almost non-stop rain, and a distinct lack of fuel for the cars, has meant we haven’t done anything other than go to school and the boys’ usual clubs and activities. We’ve managed to fill up both cars now at least – so all we need now is for the rain to stop!
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It’s been another full on week of work and school here. Last weekend though we did manage to fit in some outdoor time – although it’s getting more autumnal by the day we were really lucky with the weather all weekend.
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So apparently going back to work pretty much full time doesn’t leave much time for anything else, especially writing blog posts! The last week seems to have flown by – with full days at school and they trying to fit everything else in in the few hours between coming home and bed time it feels like I barely have time to stop for more than five minutes!
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Wow, I’m so late with this week’s Living Arrows post that it’s almost time for next week’s! The boys (and me!) went back to school on the 2nd September so we only had a couple of days that first week, and we’ve just done our first full week back.
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It’s time for another quick Living Arrows post from me… I really need to get to bed because the boys (and me) are back to school tomorrow and I’m really trying to go to bed at a sensible time! I mentioned in my last post that we were about to go away for a camping weekend with friends and both of this week’s pictures were taken while we were away.
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I’m super late with this week’s Living Arrows post – we had a busy week last week and then this week the boys have been having swimming lessons every lunchtime which somehow seems to make it hard to fit anything else into the day!
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After our holiday two weeks ago we had a quieter week at home last week with a mixture of days at home and a few activities out of the house. To be honest the boys would quite happily just stay at home the whole time if they were allowed to just watch TV and play video games all the time but I do like to get them to do other things every once in a while!
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We’ve had a very busy week since my last Living Arrows post – last Sunday we drove down to Windsor where we were staying in a hotel for a couple of nights so we could go to Legoland, then on Tuesday we made our way down to Dorset and spent the rest of the week camping…
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So we’ve made it through week 2 of the holidays – only 4 more to go! Toby and Gabe are getting used to being at home together more now, so we’ve not had quite so much squabbling, and they’ve even started getting up a bit later than their usual 7 am which is a treat too!
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We’re now half way through the second week of our summer holidays and I’m actually quite relieved that it’s been a bit cooler since the weekend! We really didn’t do much last week – mostly stayed at home, playing in the garden or trying to keep cool inside.
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