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Hello! I’m back again. It’s only a few days since I wrote my last Living Arrows post but I wanted to try and get back on schedule. It’s the first day of the summer holidays here, and like much of the country it’s roasting! We are not massive lovers of the heat so at the moment we’re hiding inside with all the curtains shut…although Gabe has been asking to get the paddling pool out so I’m going to do that soon.
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And so here we are, finally, on the last day of term. I know some schools don’t finish until next week but I’m very grateful that the boys break up on today. They did have to close one bubble at the boys’ school last weekend but thankfully both of mine have managed to stay in school until the last day.
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I have a confession to make about this week’s photos – although Gabe’s was taken in the last week, Toby’s was actually taken the week before. They were both taken at the boys’ sports days, which should have been in the same week but Gabe’s was postponed because of the weather so I decided to wait and put both pictures in the same post.
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I feel like I’m back to not really having much to say in these posts – every week is the same at the moment, and I think we’re all just trying to get through the last few weeks before the summer holidays. Gabe seems very tired and emotional – we have tears about one thing or another at least a few times every day. And Toby’s showing his tiredness with a lot of silly behaviour and winding his brother up at any opportunity!
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So after writing my Living Arrows post super late in the week for the last couple of weeks I’ve actually got my act together to write it ready for Monday morning this week! After a normal week at school we’ve had a bit of a busy weekend with one thing and another.
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Wow, I really am super late this week! The boys have been back at school for almost two weeks since the holidays and I can’t believe it’s only just over four weeks now until the summer holidays! The weather is still roasting here – we seem to have avoided the storm that was forecast over the last few days. I just hope all this sunshine now doesn’t mean we’re going to have rubbish weather for the summer holidays.
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I know I’m a bit late in the week again with this post. One of these days I’ll get my self organised to write my Living Arrows post on a Sunday night ready for Monday morning like I always used to! The boys have been back at school for a couple of days now after a lovely half term holiday. Barry took the boys to see his parents at the start of the week, we spent a few days at home and then on Thursday we headed up to the Lakes for three nights of camping!
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Happy June everyone! The boys are off school and the sun has come out – we’re all enjoying a break from the school runs (and packed lunches!) with a few days at home before we head off camping at the end of the week. After spending so much of the last year wanting the boys to be back at school we were still all definitely for them to have a week off.
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Here we are again – I can’t believe it’s almost the end of May already! The last year has just been so strange, and it feels weird to be getting back to doing normal things again, when things really still aren’t actually normal if you know what I mean?
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After what felt like a week of constant rain we’ve had a lovely few days of sunshine here. The weather has been all over the place this month though, we never know what it’s going to do from one hour to the next! We’ve still got a week and a half of school to go before the holidays though so I’m hoping it sorts itself out before we go camping!
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