Happy June everyone! The boys are off school and the sun has come out – we’re all enjoying a break from the school runs (and packed lunches!) with a few days at home before we head off camping at the end of the week. After spending so much of the last year wanting the boys to be back at school we were still all definitely for them to have a week off.
The boys enjoyed their last week in school – I even managed to get them into their uniform shorts that I had optimistically bought last spring and they never got to wear! It was my birthday on Friday, and my brother’s on Saturday so he, and my mum and dad, came over for the afternoon. It was lovely to all spend some time together, something we’ve not done since Christmas!
This week’s photos were taken in the garden when the boys were playing with some bubble wands. I’d bought a couple a while ago that I’d put in the garage and forgotten about, and then Barry took them to see his mum and dad on yesterday and they were given some more, so last night it was all about the bubble blowing!

They love these bubble wands because they’re really easy to get good bubbles with, but they’re a right pain once you’ve used them a bit and have to tip them to get the mixture on the wand. To be fair they both did a pretty good job of not spilling any but it is a faff!

I hope you’re all having a lovely half term whatever you’re up to. And please cross your fingers that we can keep this glorious weather for our camping trip in a few days time!
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
Bubble wands are just such a simple joy. Love them! I hope you’re having a great time camping x
Bubbles are just the best though, aren’t they! There isn’t a single child who doesn’t like them! Fab photos, hope you’re enjoying half term! xx
Cant beat bubble play and bubble pics! I hope the camping went well? I thin we need a few more days to recover from a busy week! x
Bubbles are the best! I like to try and take these away with us but have run out! Must get some more. Hope you had a lovely half term and that camping was good fun?
Lovely photos – got to love a bubble wand! (until they get spilled that is!) x