Make your family home a better place to be

Girl in a happy home

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You want your family home to be a safe haven for you and your loved ones. You want it to have a great atmosphere. You want to be relaxed, happy, content – all of those good things when you’re all spending time in there together. Perhaps your family home doesn’t feel like that right now, or you just want to make some changes to ensure you’re all feeling as great in it as possible. Read more

Top 5 reasons for feeling stressed around the home

Top 5 reasons for stress in the home

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Home is where the heart is, and it should be a place that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. Sadly, there are a number of issues that could prevent you from achieving this goal. In turn, this can see your stress levels climb to unnecessarily high value.

Here are five of the most common issues to look out for.    Read more

Why your mobile phone is ruining your household budget

mobile phone ruining household budget

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Being a parent is awesome. We all recall that feeling of instant and irrevocable change when we first laid eyes on our children for the first time. There’s no denying that our kids are an infinite source of joy… But do they have to come with such a hefty price tag? At last estimate the cost of raising a child to the age of 21 comes at a cost of nearly a quarter of a million pounds. Read more

Space saving interior design ideas


Whether you live in a small property or simply want to embrace the ever-popular minimalist look, you may be looking for interior design options that save space in your home. Start this process by decluttering. This will remove any non-essential and non-sentimental items that you may have accrued over the years. Once everything is as clear as possible, you can start trying out some of these genius design ideas to save further space! Read more

Kid’s rooms // How to make them last a childhood

Toby's space bedroom

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Preparing a bedroom for a child really is an enchanting experience. Choosing the bedclothes, light fittings and of course, the toys are the things that dreams are made of. There are, however, as with any other project, some practical considerations, particularly if you are working to a budget and so here we explore kid’s rooms and how to make them last a childhood. Read more

My top 3 holiday destinations // Jamaica, USA & Australia

Luxury Retreats villa in Jamaica

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With all the snow that’s around this week, I am dreaming of a holiday in the sun more than ever! We’re lucky enough to have a holiday to France booked this summer – we’re staying in a gite with my parents and I can’t wait. But as much as I love France I wouldn’t really say it was one of my dream holiday destinations. So I thought I’d share the three places I’d love to visit, if money (and kids!) were no object!


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5 quick ways to change a room

Chairs in front of a window

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Decorating your home can take a long time. After planning and buying supplies, you then have to prep your home ready for painting or wallpapering, and all of this before you can actually start decorating.

When we moved in 2016 we knew that every room in our new house would need redecorating, but that it would be years before we had the money and time to do it all. If the thought of redecorating fills you with dread, or like us you just don’t have the time or the funds to do it right now, then here are 5 quick ways to overhaul any room in your home – all without picking up a paintbrush. Read more

5 ways to make the school run more fun

Toby and Gabe - siblings walking home from school together

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Getting your kids to school in the morning can be stressful. From getting everyone up, dressed and fed, to leaving the house on time, it’s essential to have a good school morning routine. We’re actually pretty good in our house, we get up just over an hour before we need to leave so there’s not too much rushing around in the mornings. Read more