From poppy seed to pumpkin: 36 weeks pregnant

36 weeks pregnant

I turned 36 weeks pregnant yesterday, the baby is the size of a honeydew melon although he feels a lot bigger than that sometimes! The last few weeks have been quite tough at times. I’ve been trying to get organised for this little one’s arrival, and prepare for Toby’s 2nd birthday last weekend. I think I’ve been doing too much some days and my body is definitely letting me know about it! Last week (after a rather expensive trip to IKEA!) I got the drawers and wardrobe sorted in Toby’s room so I could put all the baby clothes and newborn nappies away, and then on Friday I reorganised our kitchen storage to make some more room and finally clear the windowsill of the ever-growing collection of plastic plates, bowls and cups! I also spent most of the day on Friday baking Toby’s birthday cake and by Friday night my hips were in agony and I could barely pull myself off the sofa and up the stairs to bed! Lesson learned I think, I’ve definitely been taking it a bit easier this week.

I’ve had to take it easier anyway because I’ve been feeling rubbish since Tuesday. Toby is choked with a cold and I think I must have the same virus but rather than a snotty nose and cough like him I’ve had a pretty much constant headache and have been feeling quite flu-ey – either shivering and can’t get myself warm or like last night in bed and sweating buckets all night. I’ve been getting lots of sleep; I’m so glad Toby has still been sleeping well and is at nursery so I’ve been able to get some naps in too. I did phone the maternity assessment unit at the hospital yesterday just to double check that the persistent headache was nothing to be worried about but they agreed it was most likely just a virus as I don’t have any other symptoms that could point to pre-eclampsia or anything more worrying. It was good to get some reassurance though! I’m actually feeling much better today so I’m hoping that I’m over whatever it was anyway.

The little one is still wriggling about a lot. It’s much bigger movements now, more like rolls than anything else although I do get the odd kick or poke too. He’s been getting lots of hiccups in the last few weeks too. Toby was the same and I’ve heard that it can be a sign that the baby will have reflux. There’s no actual evidence to suggest it’s true though so I’m hoping this one isn’t going to suffer like Toby has. Mostly though the hiccups just drive me bonkers! They can last for ages and if you’ve never experienced them just imagine someone poking you in the stomach every half a second for half and hour and you might get an idea of how annoying it is!!

The midwife is coming on Sunday to complete all the paperwork for the home birth – eek! I have a feeling though that this baby will be making an early arrival, just like Toby did. I think I have to get to 38 weeks before I can stay at home so we’ll have to wait and see I guess. I did have another organising (maybe nesting!) burst yesterday and built the crib (we got a Chicco Next 2 Me co-sleeper that I’ll write about at some point soon) and packed a hospital bag just in case. I think my bump has dropped and I’m starting to feel pressure and twinges in my undercarriage, for want of a better term! I had a few Braxton Hicks yesterday too. I know it could still be weeks and weeks yet but I just have this feeling that we might see a baby in the next couple of weeks…I guess we’d better make a decision about a name sooner rather than later!

Living Arrows 28/52 (2015)

With my second Living Arrows post this week we are back on track (although still a few days behind) and I don’t have much to say. After the excitement of his birthday at the weekend Toby has spent this week full of a cold, although miraculously still sleeping well. He seems to have pretty much dropped his nap all together now, which is a bit sad for us but over all is much better. Instead of bedtime lasting up to two hours and involving me sitting on Toby’s bedroom floor for ages to avoid him screaming his head off, he is now going to bed without too much trouble. I’ve still been sitting outside his door for 10 minutes or so just to make sure he’s settled but I’m leaving before he’s fully asleep and most nights he is sleeping from between 7 and 7:30 pm until about 8:30 am or even after 9 am on some days! And to be honest, if that’s what we get with no nap then I’ll give up my couple of hours in the afternoon (which only affects us at the weekend anyway because he’s still at nursery during the week) and take that as a win! Of course we’ll still let him have a nap if he needs it – on Tuesday he woke up at 6 am with his cold so he had a two hour nap at nursery in the afternoon, he was still fine at bedtime though. I think being up early and a bit poorly just meant he needed some extra sleep.

Anyway, this week’s photos are another couple from Toby’s birthday on Saturday. I couldn’t choose between his happy face on the slide or that cake picture so we’ve having both…

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Living Arrows

Toby is two years old!

Two years old! How on earth did we get here? My baby is well and truly a toddler now and yet I can remember his birth as if it was yesterday.

We had a lovely day on Saturday for Toby’s birthday. All four of his grandparents came up from England and my friends Claire and Dave came round with their twins who are three months younger than Toby. It was the same people we had there for his birthday last year and everyone was saying that it didn’t seem like a year had passed!

We didn’t actually get Toby many presents. He is still only two after all and I’d rather hold off on loads of presents until he is old enough to understand what is going on. I knew he would be getting plenty of things from friends and relatives too so our present to him was really trying to make sure he had a fun day (and we’ve also booked to go and see In The Night Garden Live in September which will be a birthday treat!).

Everyone came round in the morning and although the boys were all a little shy at first they soon got stuck in to playing with all Toby’s toys. His new Duplo from his uncle and auntie was definitely a hit (as much with my dad as the kids I think) but as predicted Toby was most enjoying his massive number 2 helium balloon!

birthday balloon

We had a buffet lunch which the boys all seemed to enjoy eating on the living room floor.

birthday picnic


And then it was time for the big reveal of the rainbow cake that I had spent most of the previous day baking. I was pleased with how it looked from the outside but until I cut into it I wasn’t really sure how it was going to have turned out. Thankfully it looked awesome!

Rainbow cake


I was very happy with it, and everyone else seemed suitably impressed. It might have cost me over £25 for the ingredients (mostly because I had to buy all the different food colours which were £2.80 a pot) but I reckon it was worth it. It tasted pretty good too! Toby was a bit confused by the candles at first but he always blows on things if you tell him they are hot so we explained the candles were hot and he managed to blow them out eventually (with a bit of help from me!).


We split one slice of cake between all three boys and they soon got stuck in, although even that was a bit too much for Toby in the end. He definitely seemed to be enjoying it though.


After Claire, Dave and the twins had gone home we got out Toby’s present from his Grandma and Grandad; a new slide for the garden! Toby loves the slide and spent ages just going up and down. Hopefully he’ll get plenty of use out of it this summer.


After playing for a while in the garden we came back in and Toby had fun playing with a couple of the new toys his Nana had got him too. He loved the magnetic fishing game, and the Magnadoodle has been a definite hit too.


Everyone else headed home about four o’clock and after some tea we took Toby up to bed – he was fast asleep within minutes! He did so well throughout the day, and without a nap too! He’s not always great with lots of people around, and it can take him a little while to get used to seeing his grandparents with not getting to see them that often but he was brilliant all day really. He’s definitely growing up fast. He’s got lots of words now, and seems to learn new ones every day. We’ve still got a way to go before he can really communicate properly but we’re getting closer and closer. I’m sure the next year will fly by again and it won’t be long before I’m saying ‘Toby is three – how did that happen??’

Living Arrows 27/52 (2015)

I’m so late with this latest Living Arrows post that it’s not even in the right week any more but I didn’t want to miss a week so here it is anyway! The picture was taken in the right week at least so it’s not too bad.

I had the camera out the other day because Toby was sitting at the table concentrating on a puzzle and I really wanted to catch the expression on his face. Of course as soon as I got the camera out he got down from the table and came to have a look! He was enjoying posing so I asked him to say cheese – we’ve never done that before so I can only guess he has learnt it at nursery because straight away he was giving me his ‘cheeeeese’ face!

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Living Arrows

Home birth v. hospital // It’s decision time!

If you’ve read some of my pregnancy updates or this post about birth choices then you may know that I have been considering a home birth. I was really keen on the idea at the start of my pregnancy but when I found out at the 20 week scan that I had a low-lying placenta I tried not to really think about how I would be giving birth until the next scan at 32 weeks to see if the placenta had moved. I had all but convinced myself that it wouldn’t have moved and I would have to have a caesarean so I was very surprised to find out that in fact it had moved and I could have my home birth after all! But having convinced myself of one outcome I’ve been finding it quite difficult to get back my enthusiasm for a home birth 100%. When I saw the midwife last week she was wanting to know if I had decided but despite going over everything in my mind I was still swaying backwards and forwards between staying at home or going into the midwife-led unit where I had Toby. I keep trying to think about it and weigh up the pros and cons of each option but I’m still struggling to make decision so I’ve come to the conclusion is that what I need is a list! Hopefully this will help me decide once and for all…

Home v hospital

And so, I think I have made my decision….and I’m going to go for the home birth! As the midwife said, if it comes to the crunch (or the push!) and I really feel like I would rather go to hospital then I can, but I can’t suddenly decide I want to stay at home. The real big reasons for me are; as my labour with Toby was quick (8 hours from the first twinge to having a baby) it is likely that this labour will be even quicker and I just don’t fancy a manic drive to hospital or even worse not making it in time; and being at home straight after the birth, not having to hang around waiting to be discharged. With Toby I was still in the delivery room over 24 hours after giving birth, there were no beds on the ward and eventually I just decided to come home.

So, with the decision made I guess that means it’s time to start getting organised.

I would love to hear if you had a home birth and what you thought of it, or maybe you just can’t imagine giving birth anywhere except in hospital!

Being a blogger . . .

I was tagged by my blogging pal Donna at What the Redhead Said in this tag about being a blogger. It’s actually quite tricky to think about what being a blogger means to me but I’ll give it a go…

Being a blogger is creating a record of my life.

Being a blogger is having lots of ideas but not having the time to write about them!

Being a blogger has given me the opportunity to try out lots of fabulous products that I would never have had chance to otherwise.

Being a blogger is something I have been doing for over 6 years! I don’t update my old pre-baby blog any more but you can find it at We Must Be Bold if you ever fancy reading some of my old ramblings!

Being a blogger is something I really enjoy…but always feel I should be putting more effort into.

Being a blogger has given me lots of new friends.

Being a blogger is being part of a community, albeit one that I feel I am sometimes only on the edge of.

Being a blogger is something I hope I keep doing for many years to come.

What does being a blogger mean to you Hannah, Emma and Debs?

Being a blogger

Me & Mine: A Family Portrait (June 2015)

Oh dear, late again! We really need to get our act together to take a family picture earlier in the month! I had every intention of doing it when we went to a vintage car rally a few weeks ago but then Toby had a meltdown before we had chance, and then I was going to do it last weekend but we didn’t really do anything…and so finally we’ve ended up with a late iPhone selfie taken in the garden today! Next weekend is Toby’s birthday and we’ve got all the grandparents coming so I’m going to make sure I get a picture of all of us together and July can be an extended family Me & Mine. It will also be the last month of Me & Mine as a family of three (unless this baby is very late!) which is pretty exciting! Of course there’s always a chance that we won’t even make it to the end of July as a family of three – that’s actually quite a scary thought… I might have a baby this month!

Anyway, we didn’t really get up to much in June. It was my last month of work and it was a struggle just to get through the days sometimes so the weekends were mostly just chores, trips to the park, and catching up on sleep! So for now here’s June’s picture…

June 2015

Living Arrows 25/52 (2015)

Wow! Half way through the year already, how did that happen?

Today sees my last day at work, school finishes for the summer today (there are some advantages to living in Scotland!) and it couldn’t have come soon enough for me. Especially as Toby has treated us to another couple of nights of 3 am wake ups (complete with screaming tantrums) for the last few nights. I really have no idea how we are going to cope if he is still like this in six weeks or so when the baby is here!

This week’s Living Arrows picture is just Toby at home doing a bit of colouring – as you can see he’s not really decided if he prefers his left or right hand yet! I don’t very much arts and crafts or messy play at home (well none really!), colouring is about as adventurous as it gets in our house. I tell me it’s because Toby does plenty of that kind of thing during the week at nursery but mostly it’s just because I can’t stand the thought of the mess! I guess that might have to change in the autumn when he isn’t going to nursery every day but for now I think we’re all happy carrying on as we are…

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Living Arrows

Living Arrows 24/52 (2015)

Not very much to tell this week, we’re still just plodding on. I’m counting down the days until I finish work – only 5 work days to go!

After my confident statement last week about Toby’s sleep being much improved we’ve had a bit of a set back again this week. He has still slept through most nights (there was one night where he was awake at 2 am for about an hour) but he is back to taking an hour to settle down and go to sleep. And I’ve been having to sit on the floor in his room until he drops off otherwise he just screams and screams. This may well be because we have stopped giving him his bedtime bottle but as long as he is still sleeping all night we’re going to try and stick with it and hope he gets used to the idea quickly!

This week’s photo is just one I took at home. Toby loves sitting up at our dining table and was playing with his Duplo while I got the tea ready. He still likes his hats too – especially this one of mine which I think he looks super cute in…


Living Arrows