What is colic in babies?

*This is a collaborative post

According to the NHS website ‘colic is the name for excessive, frequent crying in a baby who appears to be otherwise healthy. It’s a common problem that affects up to one in five babies.’ This crying usually happens in the evening and can go on for several hours at a time. There are some other indicators that your baby may be suffering from colic; baby draws knees up to his chest, baby has a swollen stomach, baby passes wind more than usual. If your baby has some or all of these symptoms then it is likely that they are suffering with colic.

What is colic in babies

It isn’t really know what causes colic – it may be trapped wind, indigestion or some other discomfort but the truth is that no one really knows. As long as your baby is gaining weight, feeding normally and seems otherwise well then colic is usually nothing to worry about. Most babies will grow out of colic when they are between four and six months old.

However, there may be other causes for excessive crying in babies. I have had two babies with reflux and I know that in the past reflux was often dismissed as colic when in fact it is something which can be treated with medication if necessary. Things like allergies and intolerance can also present with similar symptoms. If you are at all worried you should always speak to your GP or health visitor.

So having said that colic isn’t usually something to worry about it doesn’t make it any easier to live with. I know how heart breaking, and exhausting it can be to deal with a baby that won’t stop crying for hours on end. I have been there so many times…rocking, pacing, singing, pushing, shushing…doing everything I can think of to try and get my babies to stop crying.

There are a few things you can try though to try and ease the symptoms of colic;

  • try to make sure you are winding your baby thoroughly after every feed.
  • an over the counter remedy such as Infacol may help to release trapped wind.
  • carrying your baby in a sling can really help to calm them – being upright against the warmth of your body can be very comforting. I can remember spending hours with Toby in a stretchy wrap walking up and down the living room to get him to settle.
  • a walk in the pram or a drive in the car can sometimes help.
  • white noise works brilliantly for some babies – you can get apps for your phone, or why not try the vacuum cleaner, a hairdryer or the washing machine. I have sat both my boys in their bouncy chairs in front of the washing machine before now!
  • baby massage can be very comforting for a baby, and also help to release trapped wind. I went to a baby massage course run by my local health visitors but there are lots of videos available online too.

Colic can be awful to live with, both for you and your baby, especially if you don’t have a lot of support. If you can then do speak to your partner, family and friends and take whatever help you can get. Even getting someone to take the baby out for a walk for half an hour while you have a shower, or a nap, or even just sit and stare into space with a hot cup of tea, can make the world of difference!

Gabriel is one year old

One year old already! Well actually it was Gabe’s birthday a week and a half ago but you know, life. Seriously though, I don’t know where the time goes. It doesn’t seem two minutes since I was high on gas and air, laughing because the midwife could see my bum, while Barry fed me jelly babies…and then Gabriel was born on our living room floor looking the absolute image of Toby when he was born.

Gabriel is one year old

And yet here we are, one year later. In a different house, a long way from the living room where that home birth happened.

First birthday Grimm's rainbow

I’m not going to pretend it’s been an easy year. With reflux, endless coughs and colds, chicken pox and the inevitable teething, Gabe has not had the easiest first year. There hasn’t been a huge amount of sleep for any one and I reckon I must have spent at least 50% of the last year rocking, pacing, pushing, driving, singing… doing anything I could to get Gabe to go to sleep and stay asleep. Things are slowly improving but he has still only ever slept through the night twice, and one of those was when he was about four months old. I know things will get better eventually – Toby didn’t really sleep well until he was two and a half and now he sleeps from 8 pm until 8 am nearly every night with the odd wake up every couple of weeks for a bad dream.

Apart from the sleep thing though (oh, and the not eating, but we’ll get to that later) Gabe is doing great. He’s developing a proper little personality now, he loves playing peekaboo and has just discovered the hilarious game of hiding under one of Toby’s muslins. He’s not walking or standing unaided yet, but he can crawl super fast, pulls himself up on everything and is cruising like a demon. He’s just like Toby though and won’t walk, or even stay standing if you hold his hands. He wants to do it by himself, his way.

Getting his own toys

He’s started being much more independent with his play too, and will happily go and get a toy (or all the toys!) out of one of the boxes and sit and play by himself. We’ve even started to get a few moments of Toby and Gabe actually playing together, or at least playing side by side without trying to grab things off each other so that’s a start!

Gabe loves babbling away to himself too, and anyone who is listening – favourite words are still hiya and dada but just this week he has started saying mama too which is very cute. He still has a dummy for sleeping but he’s not that fussed for it the rest of the time and will usually take it out himself if we forget.

My baby is one year old

Weaning though, is slow going and we seem to have really regressed in the last few weeks. Gabe has always been quite fussy about food, which I think is probably related to his reflux. After seeing the consultant before we left Scotland though his reflux seems to be pretty much under control but still Gabe hardly eats any solid food. He was doing really well with eating for a while – I’ll admit he was mostly eating shop bought pouches, but he would eat some finger foods too. In the last month or so though he has decided he doesn’t really like being spoon fed so I have been giving him bits of what we are eating but he hardly touches that either. He still likes fruit pouches and he sucks it straight from the pouch himself. He’ll usually eat banana, and rice cakes, and bizarrely Linda McCartney sausages, but that’s about the only things he’s guaranteed to eat. He still has three bottles during the day and usually one in the night. I did try reducing his milk a bit but all that seemed to do was make him constipated and grumpy. He’s still growing and putting on weight fine so I guess I just need to keep offering him different things and hope that one day he gets an appetite. He’s just so different to Toby who has always had a massive appetite and when he was one he ate almost anything you put in front of him. I know I shouldn’t really compare them anyway. Gabe is nowhere near as big as Toby was at this age so maybe he just doesn’t need as much food as he did.

We didn’t really have any celebrations for Gabe’s birthday – in fact he went to nursery on his birthday so we just did some present opening when Barry got home from work. My mum and dad are on holiday at the moment and Barry’s mum has just had an operation on her back so we’re planning on having a bit of a house warming/ birthday party for both boys when everybody will be able to come.

Gabe checking out his birthday presents

Of course Gabe thought the wrapping paper was way more interesting than the presents, and Toby did plenty of helping with the unwrapping too!

The paper is more interesting than the presents

So there we are  – my baby boy is one. We definitely aren’t planning on any more babies so this will be the last time I write a one year update. I know lots of people feel sad when they realise there aren’t going to be any more babies but I can only be happy we’ve got through the last year and look forward to all the adventures that are still to come. And sleep. I’m looking forward to one day, hopefully one day soon, actually getting a full night’s sleep again.

0-12 months

Living Arrows 35/52 (2016)

It’s not been the best week since my last Living Arrows post. Gabe has been ill again (of course he has, he went to nursery) – it started with a cough and a runny nose but we had two nights when his temperature dropped to 34° which was a bit worrying.

We ended up calling 111 on Wednesday night but they didn’t seem to think there was anything to be concerned about, and neither did the GP when we saw him the next day. On Thursday night though Gabe coughed himself sick which I think triggered a reflux flare and he couldn’t keep anything down for about 24 hours. He was awake from 11:30 pm until 3 am and it was only when I took him out in the car that he finally fell asleep.

He’s been quite grumpy the last few days but has had some mega-naps and seems to be keeping his milk down again. He’s hardly eating any solid food though and it will probably be a while before he properly gets any appetite back.

He did start saying mama this week though which is very cute, although I’m under no illusions that he is actually referring to me when he says it.

Gabe says mama

On top of Gabe being poorly Toby’s behaviour has become quite challenging in the last few weeks – we have definitely entered the threenager stage! I think we’ve had it easy with him up until now, the terrible twos never really materialised for us but Toby is just constantly pushing boundaries these days; refusing to do as he’s asked, ignoring us when we tell him not to do things, running off, crying about everything…the list goes on. I know this is just par for the course but it’s so frustrating when he just blatantly ignores things, or does the exact opposite of what he’s been asked.

I know he’s having to process a lot of changes at the moment too; new house, new nursery, new routine and I do try and think about that when he’s running off in the supermarket, or knocking Gabe over for the tenth time that day but it’s just so hard not to be cross and shout at him. Hopefully things will settle down a bit when he gets more settled and used to the new way of things.

He’s still his same sweet, funny, cheeky, happy boy a lot of the time though. I mean just look at him…it’s hard to stay cross with that face.

Toby the threenager

 Living Arrows

A morning with Dyson and Currys PC World

Last weekend Toby and I were lucky enough to be invited by Dyson and Currys PC World to spend a few hours at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester learning all about some of the products in the Dyson range and taking part in the #DysonChallenge.


Toby was hugely excited because it was his first time on a train. To add to the excitement we even got to see a steam train waiting at Preston station! I’ll admit I was slightly worried about taking Toby to Manchester on my own but he was really well behaved all day and even managed most of the walk from the station and back with only a little bit of ‘carry me’!

Super excited on the train

When we arrived at MOSI we received a warm welcome and saw some of the other kids were already getting into a bit of vacuuming. There were two Dyson engineers there to tell us all about some of the unique features of their products that Dyson is renowned for.

Dyson engineer at the Cinetic Big Ball Animal cylinder

First up was the Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Animal Cylinder Bagless Vacuum Cleaner – the Cinetic Big Ball cleaner uses cyclone technology to pick up even the tiniest of particles, and because there are no filters there is no loss of suction and no messy cleaning. After feedback from their customers Dyson have also improved the way in which the cylinder is emptied – at the press of a single button the cylinder opens and also a silicone ring is pushed down over the central mesh filter to remove any stuck on fluff or hair. This, along with the lack of filters to clean, really sold me on the Big Ball Animal cleaner. We currently have a bagless vacuum from another manufacturer which has a HEPA filter and I bought it because I have all sorts of allergies and it is supposed to suck them all up. It actually works really well but when I empty it and have to clean the filter I always get covered in a cloud of all the stuff it has vacuumed up and end up sneezing for hours after, which kind of defeats the object of having the fancy filter in the first place!

Self-righting eggs

The other unique feature of the Dyson Big Ball Cinetic Cylinder cleaner is its self-righting technology. No matter what you do to push the ball over (and plenty of the kids tried) it always tips back to be the right way up. Our first #DysonChallenge was to make an egg that demonstrated this self righting technology. Toby had great fun decorating his egg (with a little help from me) and then sticking blu- tac and ball bearings in the bottom to make his own little weeble.

Toby going rockstar with the Dyson Pure Cool Link Tower Air Purifier

The other product that the engineers talked to us about was the Dyson Pure Cool Link Tower Air Purifier. This air purifier can remove 99.5% of allergens and pollutants from the air. It uses Dyson’s bladeless technology and has 10 different settings, including a night mode. The Pure Cool Link Tower Air Purifier has a remote control also has its own app which allows you to monitor the air in your home. You can even check the air quality while you’re out and turn the purifier on before you get home!

Toby's pinwheel and the Dyson Pure Cool Link Tower Air Purifier

Our second #DysonChallenge was to make a pinwheel so we could see just how well the fan works. Toby enjoyed decorating his pinwheel and then holding it up to the fan and watching it spin. It looked like all the kids (and adults) really enjoyed the challenges and it was great to see them engaging with the science behind the Dyson products.

Toby with his Dyson Challenges

Everyone definitely had a lot of fun making flour, coffee and glitter stencils and then vacuuming them up too. There were some of Dyson’s handheld cordless cleaners there for them to try too and it was amazing to see how easy they were to use for even the littlest kids – even Toby had a go!

Toby doing some vacuuming

We had a great time with Dyson and Currys PC World, and after a tasty lunch we even got a chance to have a look round some of the museum before it was time for another train ride home.

Exploring MOSI

If I’m honest I was never really sure whether Dyson products were worth the money but having seen them in action I have definitely been converted! Toby had a fantastic time too and couldn’t wait to show his egg to his daddy when he got home.


**Disclosure: We were invited to attend this event by Dyson and Currys PC World and received a goody bag and gift for our time. As always, all opinions are my own.




Living Arrows 34/52 (2016)

It’s been a busy week here – hence the lack of blogging that’s been going on! Toby and Gabe had their first full days at nursery on Tuesday and Wednesday and both had a great time by all accounts. On Wednesday it was Gabe’s first birthday. I did feel a little bit guilty for sending him to nursery but he was none the wiser and we got chance to open presents in the afternoon when they got back and Barry was home from work. On Friday we went to a new baby and toddler group near my parents’ house – it was definitely good to get out and start meeting some new mums and kids. On Saturday Toby and I went to Manchester for an event with Dyson and Currys PC World that I’ll be telling you more about soon, and then yesterday Barry’s parents came to visit to bring Toby and Gabe’s birthday presents!

So you can see it’s been a pretty hectic week. On top of that Gabe and Toby have both been taking ages to get to sleep every night and then Gabe has been waking up again about 11 pm. With all of that I haven’t had a lot of time for blogging, even though I’ve had loads to write about. I’m hoping I might manage to get a few posts written while the boys are at nursery this week and start catching up a bit.

We finally gave Toby his main birthday present this week too – we didn’t want to give it to him before we moved only to have to put it into storage and him not be able to use it so we waited until Gabe’s birthday to give him his new balance bike. He was so excited to get on it but I think it’s a bit harder than he thought it was going to be – lots of practice is going to be needed!

34_52 16 T

Gabe’s picture this week was taken whilst he was exploring his new birthday presents. He’s looking very happy here but it’s been a bit of an up and down week for him. I think he must have another tooth on the way because he’s hardly touched any solid food for the last few days and he sleep has been quite rubbish again soon. Here’s hoping it doesn’t last too long whatever it is!

34_52 16 G


Living Arrows

Living Arrows 33/52 (2016)

It’s been a busy week of getting used to life in our new house and new town now that Daddy has gone back to work.

Both boys had two settling sessions at their new nursery last week and will be starting properly tomorrow. They’ll both be going for two full days and if I’m honest I actually can’t wait! Having had them both at with us all day every day for the last month I have realised more than ever that I need some time away from them if I am going to stay sane!

I think nursery will be good for them too – especially Toby. It’s hard for him being at home all day because we have to try and fit things round Gabe napping, and at the moment that also means that he’s got to be quiet when Gabe is asleep because the bedroom is right underneath the living room. A couple of days of being free to play and run around and make as much noise as he wants will hopefully be good for all of us.

It will be good for Gabe to have somewhere totally safe to play and explore as well. At the moment I feel like I am constantly telling him not to touch things or taking stuff off him. How is it that babies can spot a wire or cable from across the room but have no interest in the 50 toys that are in front of them?

I was trying to take some product shots for a review the other day but Gabe just wouldn’t keep away from the box – it’s a good job he’s cute!

Gabe trying to steal my review products

Toby’s picture this week was taken yesterday when we went to another of our numerous local garden centres – I don’t think any of us expected to see this bear there though!

Toby and a bear

Living Arrows

Siblings // Toby and Gabe in August

There have been a lot of big changes for Toby and Gabe since I wrote last month’s Siblings Project post; we’ve spent three weeks living with Grandma and Grandad, moved house, and now the boys are sharing a bedroom. So far they haven’t really disturbed each other that much – there have been a couple of times when Gabe has woken Toby up with his crying in the night but usually he goes back to sleep pretty quickly. I can’t wait for their bedroom to be properly finished so I can share it with you.

Toby and Gabe on the bench in the new garden

Toby still gets frustrated with Gabe quite a lot and isn’t always very good at sharing but we are seeing more glimpses of the relationship I hope they will have in the next year or two. Toby is still Gabe’s favourite person and they’ve had a lot of giggles together this month. I think you can see in this picture that they are really starting to look alike too – especially their eyes and noses. Maybe once Gabe has a bit more hair, and a few more teeth, they’ll look more alike.

Brothers looking more alike

They are even starting to play together a bit now, and Toby seems to be realising that he can show Gabe how to do things and Gabe will understand.

Playing together

Gabe just wants to do whatever his brother is doing these days – even if that is getting in the soft toy basket and being buried by teddies!

Anything you can do

The Me and Mine Project

Review: Babymoov Light Wood High Chair

When we started looking for a high chair for Toby when he was weaning we got lots of recommendations for a very cheap one from a well known Swedish furniture store. It served Toby well until he moved into a booster seat at the table when he was nearly two. We used the same high chair with Gabe for the first month or so of weaning until, as part of our role as Babymoov ambassadors, we were sent the Babymoov Light Wood High Chair and matching Comfort Cushion to try out.

Babymoov Light Wood High Chair

I’ll be honest here – coming in at ten times the cost of our old high chair I did wonder if the Babymoov high chair would be worth the extra money. But I have to say it does have loads of great features that really do make it stand out from other high chairs on the market.

Large easy to clean tray on the Babymoov high chair

As the name would suggest the Babymoov high chair is made from wood and it is really solidly built. It is very sturdy and I’ve never felt worried that Gabe could tip it, whether he’s sat in it or using it to pull himself onto his feet! The slight downside to this is that at 6.5 kg the chair is quite heavy – I wouldn’t want to have to move it around a lot.

What makes the Babymoov Light Wood High Chair different to a lot of other high chairs on the market, and one reason I think the £140 price tag is justified, is that with a movable seat and foot rest, and a removable tray this chair can adapt to be used from around 6 months right up until your child is big enough to use a standard chair, and beyond.

Sitting up at the table in the Babymoov Light Wood high chair

Now I know there are a few other wooden high chairs on the market that are adaptable to be used by both babies, toddlers and children but the thing that makes this Babymoov high chair unique is that it also be folded so it is almost flat. For me this is a massive plus point over our previous high chair, and other chairs of this type. It’s really easy to collapse as well; just release the crotch bar, press two buttons on either side to lower the tray then squeeze the clip on the back of the seat to fold it. Opening it back up is even easier and can be pretty much done one-handed.

Babymoov Light Wood High Chair folds flat

The high chair is very easy to wipe clean and I do like that the lip on the edge of the tray doesn’t go right round to the back which makes it even easier to wipe crumbs and other bits off into your hand. The only thing to watch out for when cleaning is that crumbs (and Cheerios in our case) can collect just at the base of the crotch bar and they’re easy to miss when cleaning, especially when you’ve got the cushion over the top.

Watch out for those Cheerios

Looks wise the Babymoov Light Wood high chair is definitely more stylish than our old high chair. I like the dark and light grey of the chair – it’s going to fit in really well when we get our new kitchen soon.

Gabe likes the Babymoov high chair

If you are looking for a wooden high chair that will adapt with your child and last them right from weaning through to childhood then this Babymoov high chair is definitely one to consider.


**Disclosure: I was sent the featured product as part of my role as a Babymoov ambassador. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.

We're going on an adventure

Living Arrows 32/52 (2016)

First up I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who linked up last week whilst I was hosting Living Arrows in Donna’s absence. I really enjoyed reading all your posts.

Last week we finally moved into our new house and we have been unpacking boxes since. It’s nearly all done now but we’ve still got a lot of organising to do before everything is where it should be.

This week’s Living Arrows photos were taken before we left my mum and dad’s house. I’m not sure what Toby is doing with his face in this picture but I love how the wind is catching wisps of his hair and making them fly round his head. He really is due another haircut soon though – it’s right down in his eyes again so he can hardly see out from under it!

Toby's flyaway hair

And this picture of Gabe was taken in the garden when he was giving me a lovely cuddle. I’d say that 90% of the time Gabe just wants to be on the go and crawling around the floor getting up to mischief but he does like a cuddle too and he gives a really good cuddle, properly snuggles in and often really clings round your neck too. It’s lovely when he treats you to a proper one…

Gabe giving cuddles

Living Arrows

Me & Mine // A Family Portrait (July 2016)

Well July has been quite the month for us. On the 15th we moved out of our house in Scotland and we have been living with my mum and dad in Blackpool since then. We completed on our new house on the 25th but then the removals people couldn’t deliver our stuff until today. So we’ve used the time to decorate Toby and Gabe’s new room and do some jobs (with a lot of help from my dad!) and hopefully after a bit of unpacking we’ll be able to move in by the end of the week.

I’ve not written a huge amount about the new house so far – until last week I had only seen it in pictures so I wanted to reserve judgement until I saw it in person! There’s lots of decorating to be done and we’re going to complete redo the kitchen, but it’s going to be brilliant once it’s all done and until then it’ll be pretty good anyway. I’m hoping to do plenty of posts as we sort the rooms out and hopefully I’ll be able to share Toby and Gabe’s room in a few weeks.

The boys have both coped brilliantly with the move so far. Obviously Gabe doesn’t really know what’s going on but he’s been managing pretty well and even slept through the night for the second time in his life the other day! Toby has been fantastic too – he’s been loving hanging out with his grandparents and especially helping my dad in the garden. He’s been sleeping well too so I’m hoping that continues once we move to the new house and he’s sharing a room with his brother!

This month’s family photo was very last minute (so last minute in fact that we only took it yesterday) and was taken in my parents’ back garden. We’ve got a bench in our new garden and I’m planning on taking next month’s photo there and then taking a family picture in the same place every August. I wanted to do it this month but we just didn’t have chance and seeing as we haven’t even moved in yet I thought I’d leave it until next month.

So anyway, here it is…a slightly out of focus picture, with three quarters of the family looking at the camera, at the end of a very stressful month.

Me & Mine July 2016