I said at the end of last month’s Siblings post that I wasn’t going to bring my laptop on holiday and this post might be late but in the end I decided to bring it with me so here we are. Since I wrote last month’s post Toby has broken up from school and Gabe finished preschool and oh my, those first few days of the holidays were awful with the amount of fighting and squabbling between the pair of them!
Thankfully after a few days of getting used to having each other around all the time the fighting reduced back to normal levels, and now we’re on holiday in France and on the whole they’re doing pretty well. They’re still winding each other up as normal but there have been some nice moments between them too.
There are three armchairs and a three seat sofa in this gite and yet they still choose to sit right next to each other on this little wicker chair!
They still never really want to post for photos together, although Toby seems to be more amenable to it than Gabe is at the moment.
We did manage to catch this lovely shot of Toby giving Gabe a kiss…
Although in the interests of honesty then I feel I should show you this one which was taken just a few seconds before!
Anyway, I’m going to leave it there for this month’s Siblings post. Next month we’ll be back to the school routine, and Gabe starting a new nursery – and as much as these two love each other I’m sure they’ll be glad of some time apart too.