Living Arrows 33/53 (2018)

Bonjour encore! We’re still in France on holiday at the moment so it’s going to be another quick post from me this week. We’re having a lovely time with a mix of relaxing, playing and exploring. The weather has been great for the most part apart from an epic thunderstorm one night last week which left us without power until the following afternoon!Toby and Gabe have been having lots of late nights but are sleeping until the sun comes out on their clock at 8:30 am so we’re coping pretty well. Gabe did wake up with a nose bleed at 6:30 am the other day (do anyone else’s kids have lots of nose bleeds in the heat – both mine have had quite a few this summer) but apart from that we haven’t even had any early wake ups.

After the early enthusiasm at the start of last week Gabe then decided he didn’t want to go in the pool, just stand on the step at the side. I’m pretty sure it was just because the water feels cold when you first get in, rather than any real aversion to the water, so the last couple of times I’ve made him get in and after an initial protestation he’s loved it.

Yesterday he was very happy kicking his way around the pool on his noodles without any help from me. We got him a float jacket to use on holiday but to be honest he could probably to without that too.

Gabe swimming on his own with noodles on holiday in France

Toby has still been enjoying the water too. The other day we went to have a look round the town of Sarlat and then afterwards found a spot by the river Dordogne to have a picnic and a paddle. I wasn’t sure the boys would want to do more than paddle but within a few minutes Toby was wading into the deeper water so he stripped down to his pants and had a great time messing about in the river. The water was really warm in the shallow parts at the edges, almost as warm as the bath!

Toby paddling in the Dordogne

We’ve got another week here in the Dordogne before we head back home next weekend so I’m sure there will be more holiday pictures to come. I used to work in this area so I know it reasonably well but it was 15 years ago so if you’ve been recently and have any recommendations of things for us to do then I’d love to hear them.

Living Arrows


4 thoughts on “Living Arrows 33/53 (2018)

  1. It looks like you are having an amazing time ! Poor Toby an Gabe though with those nosebleeds, I have heard of other kids having them a lot in the summer too. Enjoy the rest of your holiday x #livingarrows

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