Wow! I know it’s the shortest month but February really has disappeared in the blink of an eye. We’ve had a good month all told – no-one has been ill, we had a few weekend adventures and a good week off for half term too.
After starting the month playing crazy golf, the following weekend we had a family trip to see the new LEGO movie. I think we all enjoyed it and even Gabe sat through the whole thing with no complaints. We really should try and go to the cinema more often, but maybe just to the kid’s showings for the most part!
The middle weekend of February was the first weekend of half term and also my sister-in-law’s 40th birthday. On the Saturday Barry and I went over to Todmorden for her party while my mum and dad looked after the boys at our house. The next day they brought them over and we all went for a walk, and then for dinner in a country pub.
We walked up to Gaddings Dam – where you can find the highest beach in Great Britain. It wasn’t a very long walk but it was straight up quite a steep hill, and it was really windy. Toby and Gabe both did really well to walk all the way up and back again with hardly any complaining at all. We managed to get this month’s family picture at the top…
It was so windy (hence the hats and hoods) and we were in a bit of a rush to take the picture so we could go back down the hill but it’s actually a pretty good one. Well, Gabe’s got his hat in his eyes but at least no-one is crying!
Barry was working for most of half term but I had a nice time with Toby and Gabe – we had a few days out, and a few days at home and remarkably there wasn’t even that much squabbling. I think they could have done with another week off though – I’ve had to wake them up every morning this week, which is unheard of! Still, I’d rather that than them waking me up at the crack of dawn.
So there you have it, February done and dusted. And after this week it’s only 5 more until the Easter holidays! We haven’t got many plans for March – Gabe’s been invited to his first birthday party this weekend, and we’ve got a trip to see my friend and her twins too. Barry’s planning on taking the boys to see his parents the weekend after, and it’s my dad’s 70th birthday at the end of the month so we’ve got a family meal planned for that. So not loads of plans, but enough to keep us occupied I think. So until next month…
This is the sixth year of taking Me & Mine family portraits every month. You can see all the rest of the posts here.