I’m so late with this week’s Living Arrows post that it’s almost time for next weeks! I’m not going to write much this week as I’m feeling like these posts are just turning into me having a moan every week. Suffice to say I’m still very busy at work, Toby’s sleep is still erratic at best and we’re all pretty knackered.
I did have a lovely weekend away in London last weekend though visiting my brother. Well, it was wonderful until I got to the airport to fly home on the Sunday only to find I had somehow managed to book my return flight for the day before and not notice! Luckily I managed to get on the right flight but I had to pay £145 for the privilege!
Anyway, when I got home Toby had lots of fun dragging and pushing my suitcase around the house, as you can see in this week’s picture.
Oh no, booking the wrong flight! Nightmare!! Glad you made it home though