Living Arrows 44/53 (2018)

And just like that half term is done. Unfortunately we had quite a lot of tears about going back to school and nursery this morning but I’m hoping it’s just because it was the first day back and tomorrow will be better. We didn’t do an awful lot during the holiday – both boys just need time at home to decompress, relax and recover I think and hopefully they managed to do that.

We did have one day out though. Barry took the day off work on Wednesday and we went to Spaceport in Wallasey in Merseyside. Both boys like things about space, and at the moment there is also a Star Wars exhibition on which we thought Toby would enjoy with his new found love of the films.

There was also a chance to meet some of the characters from Star Wars and even do Jedi training but I wasn’t sure how Toby and Gabe would react to this as I know from previous experience that neither of them are massive fans of people in costumes. As it turned out Toby was fine – we always tell him in advance if there are going to be people dressed up, and reassure him that they are just normal people in suits, and this time it worked a treat.

Gabe on the other hand was terrified! There was someone dressed as Darth Vader and someone in a Jedi cloak and they weren’t too bad. Gabe even managed to give Darth Vader a high five. But there was also a Darth Maul character – who to be fair is pretty scary looking – and Gabe was actually shaking with fear, despite all my reassurances.

Unfortunately even after the characters had gone he just wasn’t interested in looking at the other exhibits so in the end we left Toby and Daddy to look around while we went to the cafe next door.

Toby enjoying a game at Spaceport

There was plenty to keep Toby interested though – lots of interactive exhibits to play with, and they also watched a film about life on other planets while we were in the cafe. When we came back we had a picnic lunch and then a bit more of a look around.

Gabe have a look at some of the displays, and enjoyed moving the circles around on this telescope exhibit, even though he didn’t really know what it was about.

Gabe looking at the night sky at Spaceport Wallasey

So anyway, it wasn’t our most successful day out but at least Toby enjoyed it, and we all went to Pizza Hut for tea so the day wasn’t entirely lost!


Living Arrows


7 thoughts on “Living Arrows 44/53 (2018)

  1. It’s so hard when they’re scared of people in costume isn’t it! Like you said though, Darth Maul is pretty scary, I’m not sure how keen I would be to interact with him! Hope things get easier with school drop-off as the week goes on. x #LivingArrows

  2. Yeah, Darth Maul would give me the creeps too! Hoping the school/nursery drop offs settle again soon x

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