Living Arrows 32/53 (2018)

Hello from hot and sunny France! We arrived in the Dordogne late on Saturday night after a very long journey – our flight from Liverpool was delayed for half an hour which wasn’t too bad but then on take off we hit a bird and had to circle back to Liverpool to have the plane checked.

Happily the plane was fine but we had to wait on the ground for ages while the new flight plan was approved and eventually set off again just about when we should have been landing in France. Once we landed we managed to pick up the hire car without too much trouble and after a very late tea in McDonalds drove the two hours to the Dordogne.

We finally arrived about 11:30 pm – Gabe had fallen asleep in the car but somehow Toby had managed to stay awake the whole time. My parents and brother and sister-in-law had arrived earlier in the day so at least everything was ready for us but it still took until after 1 am before I managed to get them both to sleep.

Yesterday we had a lazy day in and out of the pool and playing inside to stay out of the heat a bit. It is roasting! We’re hoping that this holiday will really help the boys build their confidence in the water, they were definitely both enjoying it yesterday.

Toby enjoying the pool on holiday

I mentioned last week that we were heading towards potty training with Gabe, well on Monday he decided he wanted to wear big boy pants. That first day he had as many accidents as he did wees on the potty, the next day we went out for most of the day so I actually put him back in a nappy but by Wednesday he was completely accident free. He did have a poo in his pants towards the end of last week, but he managed one on the toilet here yesterday and I’d say we’ve pretty much nailed it! He did have a nappy on for travelling on Saturday and we may well put him back in one if we have any big days out while we’re here but I’m so pleased with how he’s doing.

Gabe in the pool on holiday

And lastly, today we’re celebrating Gabe’s 3rd birthday. It’s not actually his birthday until the end of next week but we brought a few small presents with us for him and it didn’t make sense to keep them until the day before we are going home. He doesn’t know when his actual birthday is anyway, so we’ve just told him it’s today and everyone is happy!


Living Arrows


3 thoughts on “Living Arrows 32/53 (2018)

  1. Happy birthday Gabe – how is he three already?! And such a great job on the potty training! I hope you’re having a great time in France x

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