We are still living in limbo at the moment – it’s over a week since we sold and moved out of our old house in Scotland but we haven’t yet got the keys to our new house. If all goes according to plan we’ll get them later today but then unfortunately it’s going to be another week before the removals company can deliver all our stuff that they’ve got in storage. So until then we’ll still be staying with my parents and hopefully getting some decorating done and giving the place a good clean before we move in.
We’ve been trying to keep the boys occupied while we’ve been staying here and getting out somewhere every day. At the end of last week we went up to Cumbria to meet up with Barry’s parents for lunch and a bit of a walk along the coast. Toby had great fun climbing on the rocks and of course found himself a stick. I’m not sure what he was doing here though; casting a spell maybe?
It’s been hard work keeping a constant eye on Gabe this last week – there’s so much of our stuff everywhere at the moment and of course he want’s to get into everything. His absolutely favourite thing seems to be this crate that we brought with us – it’s full of the kids’ food, snacks and plastic plates and bowls and he just loves pulling everything out. We’ve ended up with quite a lot of broken breadsticks and crushed biscuits this week! This isn’t perhaps the best photo, but I love that it shows what a cheeky monkey Gabe is becoming, or has already become!
The lovely Donna who hosts Living Arrows is on holiday next week and so has asked me to host the linky for her – please do stop by and link up and hopefully I’ll have some exciting pictures in the new house by then!
Oh I hope your move goes well and you get settled quickly. Sweet pictures x
I feel your pain with having a little one into everything when you have boxes everywhere, it’s not easy! Lovely pictures and ones to remember. I hope you get settled soon. See you next week to link up
I love the fun and games a stick can give a little one, so sweet to see their imaginations in action. Hope your move goes well x
Good luck with your move lovely – how cute is Toby here, a little rockstar! x x #livingarrows
Thanks so much for hosting on Monday! LOVE Toby’s dress sense and style, awesome photo – and I can’t believe how big Gabe is already! x
Ha ha – love the stick one! Yes, I think he is definitely casting a spell! What a couple of cuties you have. Hope the move has gone well. You’ll have to share tips on moving with kids! Might these those myself one day soon… x #livingarrows