I feel like a broken record with these posts sometimes but the weeks just go so fast and we don’t often do anything very exciting!
Toby enjoyed his second settling session at school on Thursday, now he just has to wait 8 weeks before he actually starts properly. Only 8 weeks though, and my baby is going to be starting school – he’s not even four until next week!
On Saturday my parents were part of the team organising the National Scout Car Races – it’s something they have been involved with since I was tiny but I haven’t been myself for years. This year it was back in Blackpool so we went along with the boys to have a look.
My brother and sister-in-law were also up from Essex – they’re hoping to move back to the North this summer and so my brother has been having a few interviews. Hopefully if they do move we’ll be able to see a lot more of them which will be ace.
Anyway, Scout Car Races was happening in Cleveleys, just next to the beach so we headed down to let the boys have a play. The sun was shining but it was very windy so not that warm. Toby had great fun running around on the sand though. Even though I’m a real worrier about sun burn I’m letting him go out without a hat occasionally in the hope it will make his hair go back to being more blond again…
Gabe has had another up and down kind of week. For most of the week he’s been really grumpy and super clingy. He’s got a cold and I think he might be teething too and he’s just spent most of the week crying and I’ve been at a bit of a loss how to help him. On Tuesday he refused to nap at nursery and then was awake from 11:30 pm until 2 am. His sleep on Wednesday night wasn’t much better.
Friday was probably the worst day though – he was just crying and whinging and moaning all day….but then by some miracle he actually slept all night! In his own bed too. And then on Saturday night he did it again! As I write this it remains to be seen if he makes it three in a row. I’m not getting my hopes up though because he’s done this before – given us a couple of good nights and then gone back to his usual rubbish sleep. You never know though, perhaps he’ll surprise us!
He was in his element on the beach though. It still amazes me how he can be so clingy at home – he literally will wail every single time I leave his sight in the house and he follows me around like a permanent shadow. As soon as we get outside though he is off – he couldn’t care less where I am and will quite happily play on his own and would wander off for miles if we let him…
Anyway, that’s it for this week – next week will be my last post with Toby as a three year old!
My son is a little like that – in the house he’s my shadow but then outside he’s forever trying to make a break for freedom! #LivingArrows
What beautiful photos! I haven’t been to Blackpool since I was much younger. I definitely want to go back at some point 🙂 time goes so fast doesn’t it? My eldest starts at the school nursery in September and I’m finding that hard to swallow so I cannot imagine what I’ll be like when she actually goes to school! #LivingArrows ox
Toby looks like he’s having so much fun in that photo! As for Gabe, let’s hope he’s realised that sleep is bloomin’ awesome and he really ought to do it more often! x #LivingArrows
My two can be the same, clingy an never leaving my side at home but as soon as we get out they are off without a care in the world. Cleveleys has such a lovely beach it looks like the boys had a great time. #LivingArrows
We’ve had a similar week with Parker.. he’s just soo moany atm, and I think it’s those pesky teeth too! xx
Gorgeous photos, it’s amazing what the beach and fresh air can do for a toddlers spirit isn’t it? Our girly starts school in September as well and I have so many emotions about it #LivingArrows
Oh my gosh their matching hoodies are the cutest!! That beach looks absolutely beautiful x
Such a gorgeous photo of Toby! I bet you’re feeling so emotional about him starting school, it’s such a big milestone isn’t it. Hope Gabe does keep up the sleeping for you, and I love his little outfit in his photo! x #LivingArrows
You can’t beat the beach! I love that photo of Toby x #LivingArrows
Gabe looks very wrapped up for the beach! I love hoodies on boys, but N has refused to wear them for the last year. Very annoying when I had bought 3 in the next sze up!
It was sunny but really windy and actually felt quite cold 🙂 The boys have both always had GAP hoodies – these are new ones because they just grew out of the old ones, I always get them from the outlet though!
Oh they both look so happy on the beach! I think I missed before that Toby was a summer birthday. I’m sure he’ll do great in school, from what you’ve said he seems ready. They just seem so little though don’t they? Bless Gabe – I always think of my LP when you talk about him as she’s about the same age – she also has a cold and I think a tooth coming! It’s never ending isn’t it? But also wonderful at the same time! #LivingArrows xx
Love the beach photos. We haven’t been to the beach in nearly two months now. I think it’s time again.