I can’t believe how fast time is flying at the moment – the last week seems to have disappeared in a blur of interviews, didn’t get the job moping, playing out, trips to the park and then this weekend saw Toby at two birthday parties!
Both of this week’s Living Arrows pictures are just iPhone photos that I managed to grab this week. Gabe’s picture was taken one afternoon after his nap. We went out on the street to play on scooters – after Gabe enjoyed having a go on Toby’s scooter with the seat on a few weeks ago we got him one of his own. The helmet is far too big but I don’t think he’s going to be doing any high speed falls just yet!
And Toby’s picture was taken at one of the birthday parties – I think he was enjoying his lunch!
Until next week then – which I can’t believe is going to be week 26 and we’ll be half way through the year already!
I can’t believe we’re almost halfway through the year either!
I was thinking exactly the same when I was writing my Living Arrows post earlier – next week will be half way through the year! Where has the time gone? It will be the C-word before we know it! (I refuse to say it out loud until at least October!) xx #LivingArrows
Gosh I can’t believe we are half way through the year! Look at little Gabe in his helmet, Holly wants to wear her helmet all the time, even when she is just sat in the sandpit! x #LivingArrows
Is Toby’s hair getting darker? He used to be so blonde blonde! Gabe looks like he is having a whale of a time! x
Yeah, it’s much darker now – I was the same though, super blond as a baby and then much more brown by the time I started school. I keep trying to let Toby out in the sun for a little bit without his hat on so it goes blonder again
I think they are both lovely photos. I love taking photos with my iphone. Sorry about the job. #livingarrows
I bet Gabe had a great time getting to ride on his brother’s scooter! And looks like Toby had fun at the party! x #LivingArrows