I’m even later than usual with this week’s Living Arrows post, but I do have an excuse…sort of. It was always going to be a few days late but on Wednesday evening when we were having our tea there was suddenly a massive thunder clap and the brightest flash of lightening I have ever seen. We don’t know if it actually hit our house but it was pretty close – when we went outside we could smell it! Anyway, it also took out our phone line so we have had no phone or internet at home since. I’m writing this at work (not during a lesson I promise!) when really I should be marking and writing reports.
And so, this isn’t going to be a very long post. We’ve had an uneventful week really, Toby has slept through on quite a few nights, despite the fact he’s got a back molar coming, and we’ll just call Sunday night, when we were up with him every hour, a blip!
At the weekend we went to the Almond Valley Heritage Centre which isn’t very far from where we live. There were lots of animals to see – we saw a baby goat called Toby being bottle fed. I’m not sure our Toby was that impressed though! There were lots of things to play on too. I’ll do a full post all about it when I get chance but this week’s photo is Toby on one of the little tractors – he didn’t quite have the hang of steering, or peddling but I think he enjoyed it anyway.
And he had fun on a trampoline too until he decided to run off it, trip over the padding at the edge and fall flat on his face in the dirt. He was fine but had a few lovely grazes on his nose to show for it, I’m sure they won’t be the last grazes he gets though…he seems to have little concern for his own safety at the moment (as he proved when he decided to stand up on his rocking horse this weekend too. I think we’re raising a future stuntman!
Oh he looks so big! I love your living arrows posts, whenever they appear through the week