Mummy, mummy! (The Ordinary Moments #26)

Something exciting has happened in the last week. Toby’s speech has been coming on quickly of late, and he seems to be learning new words every day, but last week he actually started saying mummy!

He’s been saying Daddy for months and months, I think it was one of the first things I heard him say, and although we’ve had a few mamas they’ve only really come when he’s been crying and could quite easily just been a sound he happened to make rather than actually saying my name.

But last week we started getting a definite mummy. He still doesn’t always get it right and calls me daddy, or now is calling his daddy mummy but he always corrects himself if we point it out. On the downside it also means that he has started crying ‘mummy’ when he’s upset, which is difficult, particularly for Barry when he’s trying to comfort him. But there’s nothing more adorable than the big grin and ‘mummy!’ I get when I pick him up from nursery.

His other favourite words at the moment are ‘oh, wow!’, ‘nee naw’, and of course we still get a lot of ‘hats’ and ‘shoe shoe’. Apparently he has started saying lots of the names at nursery as well this week so I can’t wait to see what we get next.

After a very long break I’m linking up with Mummy Daddy Me for The Ordinary Moments again.

mummy daddy me

From poppy seed to pumpkin: 23 weeks pregnant

Today sees me turn 23 weeks pregnant, now well and truly over half way, especially if this one decides to show up early like Toby did!

Pregnancy week 23

On the whole I’m feeling good. I seem to remember this was the easiest stage of pregnancy last time too. I’m not feeling too tired any more and I’m not so big that everyday tasks become difficult. It is getting harder to pick Toby up and carry him, which is starting to cause so problems. He just doesn’t understand that I can’t pick him up as much as I used to (particularly when I drop him off or pick him up from nursery) so I end up doing it anyway but I am getting an achy back and some ligament pain in my bump that probably wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have a two stone toddler!

About a month ago I started getting really sore hips, especially for the first hour or two after getting up. I had this in my last pregnancy too but it didn’t start until much later so I was worried I was going to have to put up with it for most of this one. Last time I bought a memory foam mattress topper but had taken it off the bed after Toby was born because Barry reckoned it was giving him a bad back. Anyway, that’s back on now (folded in half so it’s only on my side of the bed) and that, along with the Theraline pregnancy and nursing pillow that I’ve been sent (review coming soon folks!) my hips have been much better the last few weeks and hopefully they’ll stay that way for a while yet.

I saw the midwife last week and everything is looking good. I got to hear the baby’s heart beat again and I’m feeling lots of movements too now – it’s so reassuring to feel the little fella wriggling around in there. Barry even managed to feel him kick too the other night which was lovely. They didn’t measure my bump this time as apparently it’s too early and I don’t have to see the midwife for another 6 weeks now. I suspect when they do start measuring I’ll measure big just like last time, even though Toby ended up only being 6lb 10oz, I’m hoping for a similarly small baby this time, it was hard enough pushing Toby out, I don’t fancy trying to get anything bigger out of there!

So physically I’m not doing to badly at all, emotionally though I am finding this pregnancy much more difficult than last time. It’s not that anything about the pregnancy itself is really worrying me (apart from the low lying placenta and possible c-section that I’m trying not to think about), but I’m definitely finding my emotional reaction to other situations is much harder to control. I wrote the other day about Toby’s nursery wobbles, and I’m sure I would find it difficult even if I wasn’t pregnant, but I find that the tears come a lot more readily than they would normally. I guess that’s just something that comes with the territory and I’m lucky that Barry is massively supportive and is always there when I need a good cry.

I don’t think I have much else to add at the moment, oh apart from that I bought a couple of tiny baby sleepsuits this week and some newborn cloth nappies – they are so teeny tiny and cute! I can’t believe Toby was ever that small but he was, and it won’t be that long before we have another tiny human on our hands. And I bought these matching leggings for my boys. I was going to get them for Toby and then I just couldn’t resist buying the little ones too. How cute?!


Maternity Matters~ Ghostwritermummy

Nursery wobbles

Toby has been going to nursery full time now for almost eight months. He started in August of last year when I went back to work and except for a few holidays and illnesses he has been there every week day since. On the whole it has been a positive experience but like everything when it comes to raising a child we’ve had our ups and downs.

Nursery wobbles

When he first started going to nursery Toby would often cry when I dropped him off but usually I could hear he had stopped before I even got out of the building. For a long time this crying stopped (unless he was ill or had had a particularly bad night the night before) and Toby would literally run, or crawl in the early days, round to his room and happily start playing. Unfortunately, the crying has returned in the last month or so and I’m not entirely sure why but I’ll come back to that in a minute.

He has always eaten well at nursery and rarely refuses anything they give him. The only thing we have found so far that he really doesn’t like is rice pudding but apparently he always tries a spoonful and then refuses the rest. Perhaps he’s just checking to make sure he hasn’t changed his mind!

In the beginning his sleep was a bit of an issue too – even though he was still having two long naps during the day at the weekends they would often struggle to get him to sleep at nursery and some days we would pick him up and he’d be really grumpy because he’d only had one short nap or sometimes not slept at all. It’s better now and he seems to be in more of a routine. He usually has a nap of between one and two hours after lunch, at the same time as a few of the other children.

Nursery has been great for his development too, he gets to do lots of things there that I probably wouldn’t do at home (mostly things that involve making a lot of mess!) and he gets to spend time outside in the garden or going for walks every day. Of course it’s difficult to say what he would have been like had he not gone to nursery because we don’t know any different but he certainly seems to be getting plenty of stimulation every day.

So why the wobbles? Well, there have been a few things lately that have started to make me feel uneasy about our situation. As I mentioned earlier Toby has been crying when I’ve dropped him off for the last month or so. I know he stops crying and settles down when I’ve gone, and he’s usually fine the rest of the day but it doesn’t make it any easier to leave him. And then a few weeks ago it started getting to the point where the crying would start at home as soon as I asked him to get his shoes, or tried to put his coat on. Last week we got to a whole new level of screaming, particularly when trying to get him into the car. The screaming getting into the car then carried on for the rest of the week, even when we weren’t going to nursery. We even had to abandon an afternoon out at the weekend because Toby was still screaming 15 minutes from home.

Now, I don’t know how much of this is purely to do with nursery or whether he is just going through a bit of a phase of separation anxiety. He’s been quite clingy with me generally, often shouting for me if I just leave the room, and refusing to let his dad put him to bed at the moment too. He’s been teething again too and also had really bad nappy rash for the last week or so which can’t have been helping either.

The situation at nursery hasn’t been helped by the fact there have been quite a lot of staff changes recently. This concerns me a bit in itself. High staff turnover is rarely a good sign in any business, and it makes me wonder why people are leaving. Toby has always been a little shy of new people so when there are different staff every day (they seem to rotate new staff round the different rooms in the beginning which doesn’t help) it is very unsettling for him. New staff also means new people changing his nappies and getting used to using cloth, so sometimes they have been put on really badly and must be uncomfortable for him.

So, as you can see there have been quite a lot of things that could be contributing to his unsettled behaviour. I spoke to the owner (who has also recently taken on the role of manager) last week and he did go some way to reassure me. They have put a procedure in place so that Toby’s nappy is changed every two hours and each nappy change is now supervised and signed off by a senior member of staff. This should at least help his nappy rash clear up and make sure his nappies are put on properly. They also told me that although a few people have left recently they are getting a couple of very experienced staff starting in the next week or so and hopefully one of them will become his new keyworker. I’m pleased that they have listened to my concerns and are putting things in place to try and improve things for us.

Actually, as I finish writing this post, things have already started to improve since I started to write it last week. The screaming and fighting about getting in the car seems to have stopped. He has had a bit of a cry as he his dropped off and we have to leave but he’s stopped before we’ve even left the building. I’m really hoping that this was all just a wobble and that things will keep on getting better. In a few months we’ll need to start thinking about him moving to the next room, but also make a decision about what we are going to do after the new baby is here and I’m on maternity leave. At the moment we are hoping to keep Toby at nursery part time, to give him a bit of stability but also so I can have a bit of time alone with the baby. Fingers crossed it just all works itself out one way or another, because for now I think we’re doing all we can.

Have you experienced nursery wobbles with your little one? I don’t know if it’s common to go from being happy and settled one week to really not wanting to be left the next – I’d love to hear if any of you have gone through something similar.

Review: Bravado maternity and nursing bras

When I’m pregnant I’m all about being comfortable so as soon as I found out this time I ditched my underwired bras and headed straight back to the comfort of maternity/nursing bras. I still have the bras that I wore when I was pregnant and breastfeeding Toby but some of them are looking a bit sorry for themselves to say the least. I was on the look out for some new bras but being a 36G I find my choices are sometimes a bit limited so when the people at Bravado got in touch to see if I would like to try two of their maternity/nursing bras I was very happy to give them a try.

Essential Embrace Nursing Bra

Essential Embrace Nursing Bra

The Bravado Essential Embrace Nursing Bra is made from Bravado Dynatex fabric which is a combination of cotton and microfiber. The breathable fabric has a four-way stretch so it can mould to your changing shape throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. The bra has a full drop cup for easy access when feeding, and this also allows for that all important skin to skin contact.

I received the Essential Embrace Nursing Bra in black with purple piping in size 36 FF/G. I found the bra fits well and is very comfortable. As I’ve found with all non-wired bras and having quite a large chest this bra doesn’t quite manage to avoid the mono-boob look, but this isn’t really a problem. The material of the bra is quite thick and so feels very supportive. I also like the full drop cup, I found this style much easier when feeding Toby. The clips are easy to open, even one handed. The bra has four sets of three hooks at the back and also included with the bra is a bra-extender which I think is a great idea. I know in the latter part of my pregnancy with Toby my ribs really expanded so having a bra-extender will mean this bra will still fit comfortably and I won’t have to buy another size. Bravado even include some extra clips/hooks with instructions which allow you to convert the bra to a normal non-nursing bra when you have finished breastfeeding. To be honest I don’t know if this is something I would be bothered to do but I think it’s a great added extra which again would help extend the life of the Essential Embrace bra.

Essential Embrace

The Bravado Essential Embrace Nursing Bra is available in white, chai (skin-toned) or black and from size 32 B/C to 36 HH/J. It has an RRP of £34.00.

Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra

Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra

The Bravado Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra is made from soft stretchy material, and as you may have realised from the name it is seamless so there are no bits to rub or irritate. There are pockets in the cups which hold foam inserts designed to hide nipples or breast pads, these are removable if you wish. I normally avoid any sort of moulded cup as I think they tend to make my already ample bosom seem even bigger but that isn’t the case with these inserts. There is a wide stretchy band that sits under the bust which makes this bra very comfortable and the stretchy fabric means it can easily accommodate your changing shape throughout pregnancy and nursing. Like the Essential Embrace Nursing Bra, the Body Silk Seamless has a full drop cup and the clips are very easy to open. It also comes with the kit to convert it to a regular bra when you no longer require it for breastfeeding.

Body Silk Seamless

I found the Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra to be very comfortable but I do have a few niggles. This bra does not come in regular bra sizes, it is sized as small, medium, large or extra large. I had to get the extra large in order for the cups to have enough material to cover my boobs but this means that it is quite loose around my ribs and rides up a bit at the back. The other problem, similar to with the Essential Embrace bra is that it does not separate my boobs leading to a rather sweaty and not entirely attractive mono-boob. Like I said, this is a common problem for me with non-wired bras but I did find it slightly worse than usual with the Body Silk Seamless. Lastly, the stretchy material, although very soft and comfortable, did not provide me with a huge amount of support. It was fine for most things but I definitely needed to be careful I didn’t run down the stairs! With all this in mind I would recommend the Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra for those of you who are perhaps a bit smaller than me in the boob department, it is incredibly comfortable but for someone who is a G cup it maybe isn’t the best option out there.

The Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra is available in a selection of colours and has an RRP of £30.

I obviously haven’t had a chance to try these bras when breastfeeding yet, so I’ll be back with an updated review after our little bear arrives in August.

**Disclosure: I was sent these Bravado nursing bras in return for this review. All opinions are my own. This post contains affiliate links.

We're going on an adventure

Is it time for a big boy bed?

Toby is now 20 (and a half) months old and his sleep issues are already well documented on this blog! Actually, his sleep has been getting much better over the last few weeks and he even seems to have stopped the screaming when we left the room which had become a feature of bedtimes recently.

I have been starting to wonder though whether Toby’s sleep might be improved by a move out of his cot and into a bed. Although he’s very tall he still has lots of room in his cot and (so far) hasn’t attempted to climb out. He does bump against the sides quite a bit when he’s going to sleep and sometimes in the night and I wonder if this is disturbing his sleep.

Happy in his cot

He’s going to have to move into a bed sooner or later and with the new baby arriving in August I’m keen to move him before we need his cot so he doesn’t feel like he is being evicted! Eventually both children will have to share a room (until we move house) but I’m hoping that we will manage to keep the baby in with us for longer than we did with Toby. We put him in his own room when he was six weeks old because his reflux made him very noisy in his sleep and we all slept better when he wasn’t in with us.

My main concern with moving Toby into a bed is that he will then have the freedom to get out and potentially cause chaos. He loves going in the drawers and wardrobe in his room and unless we put locks on everything I can see us waking up to find everything all over the floor! I think we would also need to put a gate across his door as he can easily open all the doors in our house. We currently have a gate across the hall which means Toby can still get to our room. This is fine if we’re there but if we were downstairs I think he might be out of bed and running around all over the place.

Of course, I might be wrong and he might just love a big boy bed and stay in it all night. I know the only way to find out is to make the leap but I am more than a little apprehensive. I think we are going to get a bed in the next few weeks (and I’m planning on going straight to a single rather than a toddler bed) and then we might put it in Toby’s room and see what he makes of it. We’ve booked a caravan holiday in May too and Toby is going to have to sleep in a bed, with a bed rail, then as he’s too big for the travel cot now and I think maybe getting him used to a bed at home first might be a good idea.

I’d love to hear when you moved your little ones into their big beds. Are there any issues I haven’t thought of or was it all plain sailing and I should just stop worrying and do it?

From poppy seed to pumpkin: It’s a . . .

Yesterday I had my 20 week scan. Everything is looking great with the baby; everything is where is should be and the measurements were all right in the middle of the ‘normal’ range. It was lovely to see the baby again, and to see that little heart beating away.

We did find out that I have a low-lying placenta which is close to the cervix at the moment. I’ve been booked in for another scan at 32 weeks and hopefully as everything grows the placenta will move up and out of the way. If it doesn’t then I’ll be looking at a caesarean section and my plans for a home birth will be out of the window. There’s absolutely nothing I can do to change it though, whatever is going to happen will happen. So I’m going to try my best not to think about it or worry and just hope for the best. Apparently, in the vast majority of cases the placenta does move up with the growing uterus and doesn’t cause a problem for delivery, let’s just hope it works out that way for us.

At the end of the scan the sonographer asked if we had any questions…so it was time to ask the big one…can you see the gender? And so here it is, the big news!

It's a...

Yes, another boy! Toby is going to get a little brother. If you read my gender preference post then you’ll know I was kind of hoping for a girl, and I was a bit sad for an hour or two but I’m fine now and looking forward to having two little boys running around the place!


Gender preference?

This time next week, all being well, we will have found out the gender of our baby! When we were having Toby we found out at the 20 week scan that we were having a boy but decided to keep it to ourselves, although I did tell my mum and dad because I kept almost accidentally telling my mum every time I spoke to her anyway! This time though, if we can find out then we’re quite happy to share the news with everyone.

Gender preference

So the big question is what is it going to be? Another boy? A few people have asked me if I have a preference whether it is a boy or a girl and the honest truth is that if I had a choice then I would like a girl. I think this mostly comes from the fact that I grew up with an older brother who is exactly two years older than me (to the day!) and barring a few childhood arguments we have always got on really well. Toby will turn two in the month before this baby is due so there’s going to be a very similar age gap as there is between me and my brother. I think having grown up with a brother I don’t know any different and I just can’t imagine having two boys!

There is of course the slightly more frivolous reason for wanting a girl, which is that there is so much more choice when it comes to girl’s clothes! Every time I go to buy clothes for Toby I’m always drawn to look at all the lovely girls clothes you can get. And if I had a girl she could wear dresses in summer and show off all our cute cloth nappies too!

I’ve always said I only want two kids so whatever this one turns out to be will be it. I really have no inkling what we are going to find out at the scan next week, and of course above all else, I just hope that the baby is healthy. I’ve been trying to convince myself that it’s going to be another boy so that if it is I won’t be disappointed and if it is a girl it will be a happy surprise. Either way I’m glad we get to find out now and have plenty of time to get used to the idea whichever one it is. I guess all I can really do for now is just wait and see what next week reveals. (And don’t worry, all will be revealed here too!)

It’s something we don’t talk about very much but did you have a preference when it came to the gender of your baby? How did you feel if the gender wasn’t what you were hoping for?

Maternity Matters~ Ghostwritermummy

The return of reflux?

I mentioned this briefly a few weeks ago but I wanted to write a proper post about it.

If you have been reading my blog for a while you might know Toby was diagnosed with silent reflux when he was about 6 weeks old. He was on Infant Gaviscon and ranitidine until we managed to wean him off them when he was about 9 months and we thought that he had grown out of it and we had seen the back of reflux for good.

return of reflux

Fast forward 8 months and I started to suspect the reflux hadn’t gone after all. Apart from a golden period between 10 and 18 weeks when Toby slept every night from 6:30pm to 8am he has never been a consistently good sleeper. Even when his poor sleep continued after we weaned him off the reflux medication it never really occurred to me that reflux might be the problem.

He was still waking up for two or three bottles a night but I assumed it was because he was hungry. Giving him more to eat during the day didn’t really help although as he tends to sleep better at the weekend when he seems to eat more than he does at nursery I still thought hunger might have something to do with it.

Up until a couple of months ago I don’t think there had been more than a few days in the last 8 months when Toby hasn’t either had a cold, or been teething (or both). I always assumed that these things were affecting his sleep too. I was probably right but it wasn’t until a few months ago that I started to make the connection that these things could also be causing reflux flare ups.

However, Toby’s first molars came through just after Christmas and we knew he definitely wasn’t teething but we had got to a point where it was usual for Toby to wake up for at least two bottles in the night, or sometimes three or four. On a bad night he was drinking almost 2 pints of milk. That is not normal for an 18 month old boy! We tried to get him back to sleep but he just wouldn’t settle without milk. I also started to notice he would arch his back and stiffen up (while screaming) which were typical signs of his reflux when he was younger. He never seemed to have any trouble during the day but then I suppose he is now upright for most of the day so gravity is helping to keep the acid down.

And so back to the doctor we went. I asked if we could try ranitidine again and luckily our GP agreed that although it was hard to be sure if it was still reflux the only way to find out was to try him back on ranitidine and see if it would help.

It hasn’t been quite the miracle cure I was hoping for but it has definitely helped. We still have some nights where Toby wakes up and although milk still helps him to settle he isn’t desperate for it like he was before. We’ve had quite a few nights recently where he has slept through the whole night as well so I’m really hoping things are improving.

Unfortunately, with the better sleeping at night has come a different problem; even when he was waking up three or four times a night we never had any problem getting Toby to go to sleep in the first place. In the last few weeks he has started crying whenever we leave the room and we’ve ended up having to sit in his room until he goes to sleep. This isn’t too bad at bedtime but not so much fun when he does it at 2 o’clock in the morning.

Anyway, I can only stay positive and hope things will continue to improve. I know Toby shouldn’t really need to be having a bedtime bottle at 20 months old but my plan is to try and get him consistently sleeping through before we get rid of the bottles all together.

If anyone has any experience of reflux in older babies, or any ideas on how we can all get a better night’s sleep then please do let me know!

From poppy seed to pumpkin: 16 weeks pregnant

I realise I haven’t been doing an awful lot on the pregnancy update front since I made the announcement a few weeks ago. This is mostly because I don’t really have a lot to update!

Pregnancy week 16

I’m now 16 weeks pregnant and I remember from my last pregnancy that this bit between the 12 and 20 week scans felt like the longest two months ever. I’m now at the stage where I don’t really feel pregnant. Apart from the tiredness and occasional dry heave (!) I don’t really have any pregnancy symptoms and seeing as I’m not the thinnest of people when I’m not pregnant I don’t even have a discernible bump yet. I’m not feeling any movement yet either so generally I’m just feeling fat and tired rather than pregnant! I’ve not had any cravings, I’m doing my best to eat sensibly rather than my ‘I’m pregnant to I’ll eat whatever the hell I like’ attitude of my last pregnancy. I’m hoping that I won’t put on quite as much weight this time either.

I know I should probably just be making the most of this bit, it won’t be long before I’m noticing the physical effects of pregnancy much more. For now though I’m just plodding on, trying to get as much sleep as I can and trying not to worry that something might be wrong while I wait until it’s time for my next scan at the end of March. Hopefully we’ll be finding out the gender of the baby then and I’m sure it will all start feeling a lot more real.

Oh and finally for all you fruit and veg watchers out there, the baby is now the size of an avocado! I will start taking bump photos soon too – as soon as I get a spare minute during daylight hours…

From poppy seed to pumpkin: 10 weeks pregnant

Monday 19th January

So, the weeks are moving on – I’m now 10 weeks pregnant and actually feeling much better. I’m still really tired, no matter how much sleep I get. Toby gave us a treat of sleeping through a couple of nights at the weekend but then was back to two wake ups last night – I swear he knows when we have work the next day! I’m feeling particularly exhausted today and it’s really busy at work at the moment too with exams, reports to write and a few members of staff who have left and not been replaced yet. It’s even harder when I can’t tell anyone why I’m so tired either. Apart from being knackered though, the nausea has subsided a lot which I am very grateful for. It carried on until 12 weeks with Toby so I’m glad it’s disappeared a bit earlier this time (and I’m trying not to worry that it might be a sign that something is wrong). I still feel a bit rubbish if I haven’t eaten for a while but on the whole it’s not too bad.

I’ve still not got my first scan appointment, and until I have that I won’t see the midwife. Hopefully it should come this week and I then I can make an appointment with the midwife. The community midwife I saw when I was pregnant with Toby has retired now so it will be someone new that I see. Although, by all accounts I’ll see even less of them with this being a second pregnancy than I did the first time round.

Pregnancy week 10

There’s not much else to report this week; for our weekly fruit/vegetable comparison the baby is now the size of a date. My trousers are getting a bit tighter but I still just look like I ate a bit too much Christmas cake than anything like pregnant!