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So, another month gone. Half way through the year. And time for our June Me & Mine photo.
The first two weeks of June we were on holiday in Brittany (and I know I’ve mentioned it a few times but I will get round to writing up a proper post about it eventually). After a week back at home I was away again, off to Britmums Live while my boys had a weekend home alone. This weekend was our first proper weekend at home for the whole month and we made a good start on organising our house. I’d managed to tidy up the garage with a trip to the tip during the week so we could get round to moving my old desk out of the spare room/office and rearranging the furniture to make some more space and to hopefully make it a more appealing place to be so we’ll actually use it! Barry also did some good tidying up in the garden – it was a bit of a jungle after being so busy all month. I really don’t enjoy gardening (and I’m mostly excused due my hayfever!) but I do like to enjoy the fruits of his labour – even if it’s only looking at it out of the kitchen window!
So anyway, to this month’s photo. This one was taken by my dad while we were on holiday. This is in Vannes – a lovely town in south Brittany where we’d just been out for lunch. We’re looking a bit squinty unfortunately (I really must work out where the best place for the light is in a picture to avoid the squinty eye look) but I still like this photo of us on our first family holiday abroad.
I can’t believe another month has gone by! Since last month I have finished (and passed!) my Spanish course and turned 36! We’ve been going to all our usual groups and classes – Toby is still doing well with his swimming, he’s enjoying plenty of space for crawling at Parent and Toddler group, and he’s now the biggest baby at Baby Sensory and I spend every week just chasing after him! This month for Toby though has been all about crawling and kneeling. He’s just started pulling himself up to standing too – my little boy is really on the move!
And today we are setting off on our first overseas family holiday, although today we’re only going as far as Blackpool! We sail to France on Monday morning (Toby’s passport finally turned up on Thursday so we can go after all!) and we have 10 nights on a camp site in south Brittany. I’m really looking forward to it…I’m just not really looking forward to the journey! Fingers crossed Toby doesn’t have a screaming fit in the car like he has done on our last few long trips.
So anyway, here we are, our May family portrait – all packed up and ready to go…
Another month has gone so it means it must be time for another Me & Mine post and this month two family photos. We don’t seem to have done a lot this month really. Toby’s swimming and Baby Sensory classes both had a break for the Easter holidays so we didn’t get up to much on that front, and I spent most of the month writing a 2000 word essay, in Spanish, about Che Guevara, which wasn’t the most fun I’ve ever had!
We have enjoyed a bit of sunshine this month though and now we have two cars Barry is getting home from work much earlier and has managed to get the garden all tidied up, and spend much more time with Toby. We took this picture after an impromptu picnic lunch in the garden a couple of weeks ago.
This week we’re having a wee break in the Lake District and we managed to get another family portrait this month outside the Bridge House in Ambleside. Unfortunately, the old guy decided to come and sit on the wall just as we were taking the photos. We had some others without him in but I really like the moment we were capturing in this one so I decided I’d just have to use the picture anyway!
We don’t have any big plans for the coming month – I’ve got my final exams for my Spanish course in a couple of weeks then at the end of the month it’s my birthday then we’re off to spend ten days in France at the beginning of June!
I can’t believe it’s the end of another month already – this year is absolutely flying but March is over and it’s time for another family portrait. March seems to have been another busy month even though I am struggling to think what we have done.
The first weekend of March my friend Claire came over to babysit so Barry and I could go out for a much needed quiet meal on our own. We made a few plans while we were there which should hopefully improve our lives a little bit. The first was to buy a second car which will shorten Barry’s commute by up to two hours a day – we did that and picked up our Toyota Aygo on Saturday. Toby and I are very excited that daddy is going to be home an hour and a half earlier from now on!
I also started reclaiming a bit of me time this month – I’ve started going to a Metafit class and I’ve also gone back to the amateur musical group that I’ve been a member of for a while. I even managed to survive a three hour dance audition last weekend! I’m really pleased I decided to back for this year’s show, it wasn’t until I was there that I realised how much I’d missed it and all the people who are involved. I also had a bit of extended me time this week with my whistle stop trip to London.
And to this weekend – my mum and dad have come up today to visit for a few days and so we went out to our local Harvester pub for dinner. It was the first time we have taken Toby out to eat and he was an absolute star. He had a little bit of what we were eating and then polished off an apple pouch that we had taken with us. Even being an hour late for bedtime didn’t seem to bother him. We got my dad to take this month’s photo while we were out. I was trying to find one where we were all looking at the camera but this one just made me smile. Toby loves grabbing faces (and my glasses!) at the moment and so this photo really captures everyday life for us.
Me & Mine is a photo linky to capturing our whole family each month. I’m afraid February’s family portrait is another indoor one. We had every intention of getting outside to take this month’s photo but a combination of a couple of busy weekends, a teething baby and pretty miserable weather meant our photo was left to the last minute again and so had to be taken inside. I do love how it is showing off our family dimples though.
February started with me going out with the other mums from our antenatal class. It was the first time I had properly been out since Toby was born. I had a lovely time catching up with the other mums and drinking too much wine but thankfully didn’t suffer too much the next day!
I had two days at work this month too which was great. It meant Toby got to spend a couple of extra days at home with daddy too and I was secretly delighted I didn’t have to deal with the worst of his teething! It was another boys’ day last weekend too as I was off to Dundee for the penultimate immersion day of my Spanish course. I’m almost finished my two year Graduate Diploma which will qualify me to teach Spanish, in addition to the French I already teach. I’ll be so glad when it’s over though – it’s really hard to keep up with the work and look after Toby. I swear I had more time to do it when I was working full time.
And this weekend Toby has to make do with one parent again as the hubby has gone to see his parents and friends in Manchester. His mum and dad are moving house soon and so it’ll be that much harder for him to see the friends he left down there when he moved up to Scotland to live with me. Toby was really grumpy yesterday and I thought we might be heading back into teething hell but he seems a lot better this morning so fingers crossed we have a peaceful weekend to start the new month.
I know,I know… Another photo linky! Me & Mine is about capturing our whole family in a photo every month. I have hundreds of photos of Toby, quite a few of him with his dad, even less of me and him and hardly any of the three of us. So by participating in this linky, I’ll be sure that we’ll have at least 12 pictures of the three of us by the end of the year. I only just found out about this linky so I’m a bit late with the January post but hopefully you’ll forgive me this time! This also means this month’s photo is taken in our living room – in months to come I want to try and capture our family when we’re out and about.
January has been a fairly quiet month in our house while we recovered from travelling to see both our families after Christmas, and we also recovered from a £1600 bill to replace the hip tiles on our roof after some storm damage – just what we needed a week before Christmas! So this month has been a month of frugality and waiting for pay day. I’m very much looking forward to a nice short February, the nights starting to get lighter again, and hopefully having some adventures.