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We’re now into week 20 in the I Heart Snapping Living Arrows project. This week has been another one of teething but Toby is being a trooper, as long as I keep him dosed up with Calpol and Nurofen. He’s also had a couple of days at home with Daddy this weekend; on Saturday I was in Dundee all day doing my Spanish exam and then yesterday I had a four hour dance rehearsal in the afternoon. So this week’s photo is one taken by Barry – Toby really doesn’t mind being in his play pen (thankfully!) but he does look a bit like he’s sad to behind bars in this shot!

Another week and another Living Arrows picture. This picture just about sums up this week – Toby is teething (again!), more bottom teeth this time and they are really giving him some trouble. It’s been a pretty grumpy week, without many smiles and with everything in sight finding it’s way into Toby’s mouth. I can almost see the top of one tooth now so hopefully they’ll cut the gum in the next few days and we can all go back to getting a decent night’s sleep and have a happy baby again!

Toby is such a whirlwind these days – he always wants to be on the move, especially now he’s perfected his crawling technique! He seems to hone in on the most dangerous thing in a room; cables, plug sockets and fireplaces being favourites so far, and immediately make a beeline for it. He can now almost sit himself up from being on his tummy and in this week’s Living Arrows shot I managed to capture him in a rare still moment catching a breath. He was probably just scoping out his next target! Lord only knows what he’s going to be like once he starts walking…

It’s been lovely weather for the last few days up here in Scotland. Barry’s managed to make a great start at getting the garden back under control and so today we decided to put a plastic sheet out on the lawn and have ourselves a little picnic. Toby’s never had a chance to crawl around outside before so after a liberal application of suncream we let him out for a wriggle. He was a little wary at first but then immediately made a beeline for anything we didn’t want him to play with (including the bubble machine – a Christmas present which only made it out of the box today).
I’m loving this age with Toby. He’s such fun to play with – he loves being swung and bounced around and it’s lovely watching him exploring all the new things around him.
Week 15 now in the Living Arrows project. Yesterday Toby’s new playpen arrived so I don’t have to have eyes in the back of my head any more and I can actually go to the loo without worrying about what he might be getting up to!
Toby’s still get used to being in baby jail the playpen but he seems quite happy so far. Fingers crossed it stays that way!

It’s Living Arrows project week 14 – week 14, where is this year going!
Three pictures this week of Toby enjoying his new favourite place. He just backs himself up under the chair and, even though he can commando crawl forwards now if he wants to, he seems quite happy just to stay under there watching what’s happening. And it keeps me happy because he can’t get up to any mischief when he’s under the chair!
It’s week 13 of the Living Arrows project. If you haven’t been to the I Heart Snapping blog then you really should go and have a look.
This week it’s another close-up shot of Toby – I just can’t get enough of this boy’s face! He actually had a little accident this week – he pulled the waste paper bin in the living room over and managed to smash it into his face. There is a bit of a bruise on the bridge of his nose but you can’t really see it in this photo and he was lucky to get away without getting black eyes!

Week 11 of Living Arrows photographs. I absolutely love looking at all the other posts each week, even if I don’t quite get round to commenting on them all. If you haven’t been to the I Heart Snapping blog then I urge you to check it out.
This weeks photo is another close up portrait. Toby is generally a very smiley baby but I love to capture his more serious side too. I just love his little face and those eyes that feel like they’re looking right into your heart. I wonder what he is thinking?