Living Arrows 29/52 (2017)

Toby seeing his Numberblocks birthday cake for the first time

Last week it was Toby’s fourth birthday (and I will get round to writing his four year update soon!) – it was on a nursery day so he opened a couple of presents in the morning then had a cake and pass the parcel at nursery, and got to open the rest of his presents when he came home.

Barry and I spent nearly all day making a Numberblocks birthday cake as requested by Toby – I’m going to put a tutorial up soon too. I did all the cakes and icing, and Barry made all the features, which ended up being much trickier than I had imagined!

Anyway, I was really pleased with how it turned out – Toby loved it, although after the first piece refused to eat any more because apparently the icing was ‘revolting’ so Barry’s work colleagues were treated to quite a lot of cake last week! Read more

How to make a monkey cake

As we head towards Toby’s fourth birthday, and I consider how I am going to make the requested Numberblocks cake, I thought it would be the perfect time to share this post of how I made his monkey cake again.

I’d never made a cake with any sort of design on it before so when we decided to have a (sort of) party for Toby’s 1st birthday I took to Pinterest to find some inspiration for his cake. I was considering doing a spotty number one cake but decided I didn’t want to brave proper icing and would prefer something with buttercream. Then I saw a few monkey cakes – a perfect choice for my little monkey. I combined a couple of tutorials to come up with a monkey cake of my own…and this is how I did it…

How to make a monkey cake

Step 1: Make the cakes

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