Me & Mine // A Family Portrait (May 2017)

I know I say it every month but… where does the time go? May seems to have just disappeared in the blink of an eye!

We did manage to fit in quite a few fun family days out though…

At the start of the month we went to SEA LIFE Blackpool as Toby’s treat for reaching the top of his reward chart. A couple of weeks later we took the boys to Brock Bottom for a picnic and a play in the river – it was a fab day out and one we’ll definitely be doing again.

We tried a few weeks without the reward chart but it seems Toby still needs it to keep him on the straight and narrow for now so he’s just completed another one and our next treat/reward trip is going to be to the zoo so keep an eye out for that one!

Towards the end of the month I went to Manchester to see Take That and then was back again a couple of days later for the Blog On blogging conference. And then this weekend it was my 39th birthday and we celebrated with a BBQ at my mum and dad’s house.

My dad took these Me & Mine pictures for us at the weekend. The weather was a bit grey in the morning but had brightened up by the afternoon and the boys had great fun running round the garden.

Me & Mine May 2017

Toby wasn’t quite in the mood for having his picture taken though and wanted to keep playing with the golf ball he’d found in the garden. I actually love this picture though of me taking it off him – we all look very happy. It’s just a shame Toby’s arm is right across Gabe’s face!

May Me & Mine

I can’t believe that tomorrow we head into June – we’re getting so close to Toby’s 4th birthday now, and before we know it the summer will be over and he’ll be starting school!

6 thoughts on “Me & Mine // A Family Portrait (May 2017)

  1. We ended up doing a star chart for ours this month and she settled on a toy rather than an outing which surprised us! Sounds like a busy but great month #meandmineproject

  2. Ahh these are precious. I love their matching outfits too so fun. It’s so hard to coordinate and match a girl and boy for me. The kids look so grown up here too. #meandmineproject

  3. We must live quite close to each other! My husband used to work for SeaLife both Blackpool and Manchester. I love Brock too, my dad used to take me all the time as a child. I must take Robin soon. It looks like you had a lovely month – your boys are so precious.

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