I can’t believe I’m writing this post already – September seems to have disappeared in a flash! It only seems like a week ago that the boys were going back to school and now it’s less than three weeks to half term!
We really haven’t done much in September. As well as going back to school, or starting school in Gabe’s case, the boys have gone back to their swimming lessons, and we went to a family forest school session, but apart from that we’ve mostly been chilling out at home.
Toby and Gabe have both been shattered after school, and we’ve all succumbed to the usual back to school cold, so no-one has really been in the mood for any big adventures over the last month.
I’ve had two days away, one in Liverpool where I went to see Daniel Kitson, and then another afternoon in Manchester with my mum where we saw Malory Towers the Musical. While I was in Manchester Barry took the boys to see his mum, and that is about as far afield as any of us again.
Of course, not doing very much also means we didn’t really have chance to take a proper family picture this month so we’re having to make do with these quick selfies that I grabbed before school yesterday…

I asked Toby not to tip his head up so much… and ended up with this picture instead!

October is set to be a bit more exciting – Toby and Gabe have got a week off school for half term and we’re heading up to the Lakes for a weekend in a Hobbit Hole. Fingers crossed the weather is OK and we don’t all freeze!
So that’s all for now, I’ll be back at the end of the month with another family portrait…
This is the sixth year of taking Me & Mine family portraits every month. You can see all the rest of the posts here.