Well I’m a couple of days late with my Me & Mine post this month. This is mostly because February has absolutely flown by, I know it’s a short month but I’m sure it was January two seconds ago! And then you may have seen on my social media and maybe this week’s Living Arrows post that Gabe broke his foot at the start of last week so we’ve not had much chance to get out and about.
We really didn’t do much in February – we had a quiet half term, mostly spent at home. We managed a trip to SEA LIFE in Manchester, and a snowdrop walk round the grounds of a local stately home but that was about it really.
Unlike most of the rest of the country we haven’t been hit by snow or school closures here – one of the benefits of living on the Fylde coast. We had a little bit of snow on Tuesday but it had gone by the end of the day and since then it’s just been freezing cold and very windy! I’m actually really glad because trying to get about with Gabe and his leg in plaster in the snow wouldn’t have been a lot of fun!
So, having not managed to take any family pictures in February these photos were actually taken yesterday. Toby has done brilliantly to have one of his pictures chosen to appear in a local schools’ art exhibition and competition. I think there were about 30 pictures from his school chosen and only three from his class. This competition has actually been running for years and years – I actually won a prize in the same competition for making a ceramic crocodile when I was in Year 7 back in 1990!
This year’s pictures are currently on display at the local college so we went along with my mum to have a look. They aren’t the best family photos – they were only taken on my phone, and neither of the boys was really in the mood for having their picture taken but anyway, here we are in front of the display from Toby’s school… and if you can see it that snowman just above his head is the picture that he made.
So there we are, February is done. Not our finest month as a family but it’s over now, and Gabe had his cast taken off this morning so hopefully we can get back to having some family fun in March. We’ve got a little holiday planned for the end of the month so we’re all looking forward to that, and hopefully we’ll have chance to take some better family pictures!
Sounds like February is a good one to be behind us all. Hoping March is lovely for you though. Love the snaps. Sorry for late commenting catching up today. 🙂 #meandmineproejct