We are almost there. The boys have only got three more days of school to go, and one of those is mostly going to be spent at the panto! They are both exhausted though so I’m glad we’re on the home stretch now.
Last week was all about the nativity for Toby and Gabe. The school always chooses a fun version of the nativity story and this year’s was The Inn-spectors – about inspectors coming to check the inns of Bethlehem. It was very funny and the children all did a fantastic job.
At the boys’ school the nativity is only the children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 – with the older ones having all the speaking parts. Toby was Wise Man Number 1 – he had done really well to learn all his lines and we were super proud of him.

Gabe did a brilliant job as a sheep in his first nativity. After the fourth performance though (which was an evening one) he was completely shattered!

I was a little bit sad when the last show was done, as it’s the last time Toby and Gabe will be in the nativity, or any school production together. The children in Year 3 and 4 do a carol concert and then Years 5 and 6 do an end of year production, but because there are two years between the boys it means they won’t be in any other the others together now.
Anyway, that’s us for this week. We’re just going to battle through the next few days and then we have the excitement of Christmas (and hopefully a bit of time to relax too!)
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
Oh my gosh – Sheep Gabe is the cutest nativity sheep I have ever seen!! I hope you all have a really lovely Christmas x
Ah that’s so cute. Its nice they got 1 year together. My girls have never had 1 together. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas x
How lovely that they got to have a nativity together. They both look brilliant dressed up. Four performances is a lot isn’t it? Monkey had his final one at 6.30pm which meant he didnt finish until gone 7.30. Its too late for a school night this point in the term! Hope you have a lovely Christmas xx