Living Arrows 48/53 (2018)

So this is the last Living Arrows of November, and there are only 5 more to go before the end of the year! I sound like broken record but I am constantly amazed at how fast this last few months of the year is going. We don’t seem to do much during the week except school, nursery and swimming lessons but we are trying to make the most of our weekends at the moment.

On Saturday we drove over to West Yorkshire to see my brother and sister-in-law. I took the boys at the end of the summer holidays a few days after they had moved into their new house, but we hadn’t been since. After we had some lunch we went to explore the Bridestones up on the moors.

It was freezing in the wind but the boys were wrapped up warm and didn’t seem to mind too much. They both had a lot of fun – Toby absolutely loved climbing up on the rocks, finding hidey holes and squeezing in between them.

Toby squeezing in between two of the Todmorden Bridestones

Gabe was a little less sure of himself but he was brilliant walking quite a long way, and didn’t complain at all. He definitely still needed a helping hand for his exploring though…

Gabe exploring the Bridestones

I don’t normally share more than the two pictures of the boys on their own for my Living Arrows posts but I thought you might like to see a bit more of where we were on Saturday. This one is of Toby and Gabe with their Uncle Mark. I think they were all in their element up there on the rock!

Toby and Gabe with Uncle Mark on the Bridestones

After we finished our exploring we drove home and went to the pub for our tea. It was one just near our house but we’ve never been there before. It was good though so I’m sure we’ll be visiting again before too long!

Yesterday was a quiet day at home – the boys had a bath, they watched (another) Star Wars film, and spent lots of time just playing. They’ve both really got back into building stuff with our tons of Duplo recently and I love how imaginative they can be.

And now it’s the start of another week – next weekend Barry and I are going to London and leaving Toby and Gabe with my mum and dad so I’ll have to try and get some pictures for next week’s Living Arrows post during the week!

Living Arrows


9 thoughts on “Living Arrows 48/53 (2018)

  1. What a brilliant photo of the boys with their uncle! That would make a great Christmas gift, framed. Hope you have a lovely time in London x #LivingArrows

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