Hurray! I’m here on time – I actually stayed up to write this last night when I really should have been going to bed but at least I’m back up to date again! Like the rest of the country we’re currently melting up here in the north, and it’s only set to get hotter – I don’t know how we’re going to cope at school for the next few days…
Toby’s photo for this week was taken on Tuesday evening when we took all our Cubs to the beach. The Beavers had been there the night before too (although I only had to drop Gabe off for that one). And I know this might be an unpopular opinion but I’m really not a fan of beaches – so even though we only live 20 minutes from the coast I think this was probably only about the 4th time Toby had ever been to a beach! I know, I’m such a bad parent!!
Anyway, he had a whale of time digging in the sand with his friends so I guess that’s the main thing…

On Wednesday we went to test drive a new car, which hopefully we should be the proud owners of by the end of the month. Toby and Gabe found the whole thing every exciting, especially discovering all the cup holders! Mind you, I was as bad – I was more excited by all the gadgets, and the size of the boot, than anything else about the car!
Gabe was too big for this little car in the showroom really but he still wanted to have a go at sitting in it…

I’ll leave this here for now. I hope you all survive the heat in the next few days – I’m really not looking forward to spending my days in a classroom with 25 little kids all complaining that they’re too hot!
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
We are currently melting in the classrooms up north – it’s only going to get hotter tomorrow too and I’m not sure if I’ll cope. Here’s hoping!
That showroom car is so cute! I hope the new car settles in well. The beach trip looks lovely – we’re at the beach at the end of next week and I can’t wait! x