It’s 11 o’clock on Thursday night, and I really should be in bed, but I just realised I hadn’t written this post yet and we’re going away camping this weekend. If I don’t write this now it’s not going to get done… so here we are!
I’ve been going on about Gabe’s teeth for ages now but he finally lost the last super-wobbly one the other day. The tooth fairy has been very busy in our house lately with three teeth in as many weeks I think! Gabe’s very pleased with his new smile – as you can see. He just has to go through that unfortunate phase now that all kids seem to have where their teeth are all over the place and too big for their mouths! His adult teeth were already coming through before the baby teeth came out though so at least he won’t have to go through much of a gappy stage.

I hadn’t taken any photos of Toby for this week until today. He’s recently gone camera shy and doesn’t like having his photo taken very much. He wasn’t keen on having one tonight but he let me take this one when we were having a cuddle before he went to bed. So for one week only you get my face in the picture too!

Like I said at the beginning, we’re off camping this weekend. It’s our first trip of the year, and it’s a bit early for us really, so cross your fingers we get some nice weather!
This is my ninth year taking part in this linky celebrating childhood, based on a poem by Kahlil Gibran, “You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth” .
If you’d like to see the rest of my Living Arrows posts you can find them all here.
I don’t know what it is about teeth. Neither of ours lost one for ages and then in the space of a couple of weeks they’ve lost 4 between them! Like buses! x
Love the picture of the both of you! I bet you will be glad of your own bed tonight x