It’s been busy round here the last few weeks what with holidays and Spanish assessments so I’ve had a few weeks off from linking up with Katie at Mummy Daddy Me. We’re happy to be back this week though for another Ordinary Moment.
Toby has been eating solids for four months now so there have been lots of first tastes. So far he’s a really good eater – he pretty much eats everything we put in front of him. He’s got his favourites already (banana and broccoli if you’re interested!) but I try and give him at least one thing he hasn’t tried before each week. Up until now I’ve avoided giving him anything with added sugar; he has yoghurt, fruit and the odd baby biscuit but nothing with refined sugar (so that Cadbury’s Chick that his Nana bought him for Easter went straight in mummy and daddy’s faces!). On holiday last week though we were visiting the Apple Pie Café and Bakery in Ambleside, I was having an apple pie ice cream sundae and Barry had warm apple pie and ice cream. It really is the best apple pie, so good in fact that we got one to take away too! Seeing as Toby had finished his lunch I thought I’d give him his first taste of ice cream. He only had a couple of tiny spoonfuls but I don’t think he was too impressed! To be fair though he pulls this face whenever he tries something new, or even just something he hasn’t had for a while and it doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t like it. I’m sure it won’t be long before he’s loving it though – just like his mum and dad (and maybe one day we’ll take him to the Ben & Jerry’s factory too!).
Brain freeze!!! hahaha, I love it when they taste new things, this is so cute! I love the photo! {Cant beat a bit of Ben and Jerry’s!}
NEW TASTE FACE!!! That has to be one of my favourite parts of weaning, maybe even of parenting! Our two have both had a little taste of something, shook their heads, spluttered, tried it again, repeated the head shake and then decided if they wanted more! I love new taste face
Oh that face is just a picture – poor boy, from his expression you’d think you’d tried him on mushed brussell sprouts or something! I’m a little envious you’ve been to the Ben and Jerry’s factory too!
Ha I love this pic and his facial expression, great moment captured
Glad you are back
i love that picture! xx
Lovely to have you back Sarah and hope you had a great holiday! Firstly I love the Ben and Jerry’s pic- Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough is one of my absolute favourite things. My girls seem to have taken after me and after one spoonful of their first taste of ice cream they were hooked. I am pretty sure if you give it to Toby again that will be it, it is illegal not to like ice cream.
Haha. My son is the same! Thats why he ate his first proper ice cream a bit late cuz when he tried it first hes gave me this same face =) #ordinarymoments
I’ve said it before but I love that sour lemon face when they try something new! Just you want though, he will learn to love ice cream soon enough. The first time M tried it he got all freaked out by the coldness of it, but now? Now he would grab strangers’ ice cream straight out of their hands if he could!