I’m linking up with Katie at Mummy Daddy Me again this week, albeit a bit late, for some more ‘Ordinary Moments’. I do quite a few different activities with Toby during the week; Baby Sensory, Baby Massage, swimming, soft play to mention a few. Although I try to tell the hubby all about it I know it’s not the same as him being there himself. So, this Saturday it was great that he got to come along to the Baby Sensory Christmas party so he could see for himself what me and Toby get up to. It was a lot of fun and Toby looked so cute in his elf costume (with added ‘made by mum’ hat!)
The Ordinary Moments
Squeaking baby (The Ordinary Moments #5)
I’m linking up with Katie at Mummy Daddy Me again this week for some more ‘Ordinary Moments’.
Toby is showing his personality more and more each day. He’s become really vocal in the last couple of weeks – his favourite sound seems to be a really high pitched squeak that he really builds up to before it eventually comes out!
Hopefully, if this has worked, you should be able to see a video of him squeaking below!
Baby signing (The Ordinary Moments #4)
I’m linking up with Katie at Mummy Daddy Me again this week for some more ‘Ordinary Moments’.
Now these photos might not look like much, and I apologise for the rubbish quality, but what you are actually seeing here is Toby doing baby signing for the first time. Or attempting to at least!
We go to Baby Sensory every week where we sing the ‘Say hello’ song which has signs to go with it. I sing the song to Toby at home every day and he really likes it. It always brings a smile and recently he has started joining in with the singing! Then last week I thought I saw him trying to make the sign for the sun (or possibly the moon, they’re quite similar!), and today he was definitely trying to make the shape. The sun is a ‘c’ shape with the hand and you could see Toby staring at his hand and deliberately making the shape with his fingers. And then as I was singing the verse about saying hello to your friends Toby brought his hands together and held on to his fingers (the sign for friend is shaking your own hand). This isn’t something Toby does normally so I’m pretty sure he was doing it on purpose – he did it a few times too.
I think baby signing is fantastic. To think a baby can communicate before they talk is amazing. We’ve been doing a few other signs at home too – ‘dirty’ and ‘clean’ when changing a nappy, and ‘more’ and ‘full’ when feeding. It will be brilliant if Toby can pick these ones up too.
So there we are, another Ordinary, although pretty amazing, Moment in our daily lives.
Daddy time (The Ordinary Moments #3)
I’m linking up with Katie at Mummy Daddy Me again this week for some more ‘Ordinary Moments’.
My husband works in Edinburgh and so has quite a commute every day. This means that during the week he doesn’t get to see much of Toby. He usually leaves before Toby is awake in the morning so he only sees him for half an hour or so before bed time in the evening. Toby and I go and pick Daddy up from the train station at twenty past five and then there’s half an hour for cuddles and playtime before bed.
It’s so lovely to see the two of them together in the evenings. Toby clearly adores his Dad and always has a big grin for him when we get home. I know it’s hard for hubby not too see very much of Toby during the week so I’m really glad that his work is flexible enough that he can at least get home for bedtime – it’s a luxury that a lot of working parents don’t get.
As well as some cuddles we usually try and fit in a story at some point before bed. In the last week Toby has really started engaging when we read to him. He reaches out and touches the pictures and even tries to turn the pages.
So there we are, another Ordinary Moment in our daily lives.
Smiley baby (The Ordinary Moments #2)
Toby is such a happy, smiley baby (most of the time!) – I love seeing his grinning face every day. It’s so cute how he gives his dad a big smile every evening when we go and pick him up from the train station after work. He smiles a lot for other people too now which is just lovely. I know I’m biased but I really do reckon he’s the cutest baby in town.
Grabbing toys (The Ordinary Moments #1)
I’ve been reading a lot of other blogs lately and I’ve seen a lot of them linking up with Katie’s {The Ordinary Moments} linky over at Mummy Daddy Me. It seems like a really nice idea to record not just the big milestones but some of the ordinary stuff too.
So here’s my ordinary moments for this week – although actually they’re kind of big moments too!

We got this baby gym when Toby was only about 6 weeks old – at first he didn’t really like it because he couldn’t reach any of the toys. Then he started being able to hit the toys but would get bored quite quickly. A few weeks ago he managed to grab the toys occasionally. This week he is pretty much grabbing toys on his first try and yesterday he not only grabbed one but managed to pull it into his mouth too.
Which leads us on to this one taken this morning…

Up until the last few days the only thing Toby has been interested in putting in his mouth is his fingers or sometimes a muslin. Everyone always says babies put everything in their mouths but Toby hasn’t seemed to bothered. But I think it’s starting – for the first time today the teething toy went straight in and he chewed on it for quite a while. Maybe it won’t be too long before we start seeing some teeth!