Me & Mine: A Family Portrait (September 2015)

This is our second Me & Mine picture as a family of four. Gabe is now six weeks old but we’re still figuring things out and trying to get ourselves into something of a routine. Although day to day life still feels quite hard when I look back at where we were a month ago it is already massively easier than it was then, and things can only get better, right?

Although Gabe is often unsettled during the day, and my Lillebaby carrier has become my new best friend, he is sleeping fantastically well at night which makes the days an awful lot easier to deal with. In the last week we have started putting him up to bed around 8 pm and he will then sleep until somewhere between 2 and 4 am, when he’ll have a feed and go back to sleep until 7ish. I am well aware that for a 6 week old baby this is amazing and it feels brilliant to have our evenings back again. I’m not counting my chickens too soon though – from about 10 weeks old Toby used to sleep from 6:30 pm until 8 am every night. I was so smug…and it lasted about two months. And then he had his last set of vaccinations, got a cold the same day and never consistently slept through the night again until about two months ago! So although things are going well so far I am well aware things could change at any minute.

Being a parent to two small boys certainly has its challenges and we were well and truly tested on our tag-team parenting on Saturday night when Gabe was awake at 1 am and then again an hour later, at which point Toby woke up and was sick all over his bed, and then again over himself and me half an hour later! He’d been up earlier in the evening not feeling well and we weren’t sure what was wrong with him….I think I got about 3 hours sleep that night. Not one I want to repeat in a hurry but we got through it and we will again if we have to.

Barry has been fantastic over the last month. I know he feels a bit ineffectual sometimes when it comes to Gabe because he’s still breastfed most of the time and so he only wants me. But I can only do that because Barry is doing everything else. After leaving for work at 6:30 am he comes home to a sink full of washing up, laundry to fold, meals to cook, Toby to collect from nursery…the list of jobs seems never-ending and he does them all without complaining. I simply wouldn’t be able to manage any of this without him, and not only for the practical stuff… he’s been a wonderful emotional support as I’ve struggled with breastfeeding, a baby who is almost permanently attached to me and a toddler who is coping with it all admirably but who is the source of massive mummy guilt for me as he spends another morning watching CBeebies (embarrassingly he’s watched so much he can now sing along to nearly all the theme tunes).

And so another month has passed and we are slowly settling into our new expanded family. This month’s photo was another last minute one, taken tonight on our bed after both boys had been bathed and dressed ready for bed in their matching sleepsuits (how cute?). I am once again grinning manically as I do a big ‘cheeeese’ trying to get Toby to smile, and Barry looks like he’s about to say something. Toby was very sweet and got hold of Gabe’s hand though which was just lovely. I think it might be quite a while yet before we can manage to get a photo of all four of us together where everyone is looking at the camera and no one is pulling a silly face so for now this will have to do…

September 2015

After we got this picture Toby wanted to have a go with the remote but couldn’t quite grasp that he was supposed to look at the camera, not at the button he was pressing. I still love this photo though so although it’s not perfect I wanted to include it anyway.

September 2015 outtake

Living Arrows 38/52 & 39/52 (2015)

Right, I’m going to take a cheat here and do two weeks of Living Arrows in one, otherwise I will be forever a week behind! Life goes on here in the Toby Goes Bananas house; Gabe is now six weeks old and things are starting to settle down slightly. For the last three nights Gabe has slept in his own crib, rather than next to me in bed, and we’ve even started putting him up to bed on his own in the evenings (with the help of Ewan the Dream Sheep who I have succumbed to buying)! I’ve also had some success in putting in his crib for a nap in the mornings too – I realised that maybe all his unsettled behaviour wasn’t hunger but tiredness and that he needed a bit of peace and quiet to be able to nap. On Saturday he napped for three hours straight. Hopefully if we can keep it up it will make my life with Toby in the mornings more enjoyable for everyone.

I love the dungarees that Gabe wearing in this picture – they’re from the Little Bird by Jools Oliver range at Mothercare. I was a bit worried that they wouldn’t fit – I bought them in the sale a while ago and the only size they had left was newborn. Gabe has already grown out of most of his newborn clothes (I think he’s going to be tall like his brother) but luckily there’s still plenty of room in these. I think this is actually the first time he has worn anything other than a sleepsuit too!

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Toby is still doing great – he was poorly at the weekend, being sick twice on Saturday night which wasn’t much fun for any of us but he appears to be fully recovered now. It’s going to be another big week for him this week as he is moving to a new nursery on Thursday. This one is slightly nearer to home, and also quite dramatically cheaper than the nursery he goes to at the moment, meaning he can go for four afternoons for the same price as three afternoons at the old one. My friend’s twins go to the new nursery and they really like it, in fact the only reason Toby didn’t go there originally was because it didn’t open early enough in the morning for me to get to work on time, but now I’m not at work that doesn’t really matter. I just hope the change doesn’t unsettle him too much.

This picture of Toby was taken when he was dancing around to the music on his Fisher-Price chair. He’ll quite often stop whatever he is doing when the camera comes out but this time he was quite happy to keep performing…

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Living Arrows

Living Arrows 37/52 (2015)

So late this week I almost missed it altogether! I haven’t had much chance to do a lot of blogging lately and even when I do get time it’s usually only on my phone as I’m stuck under a feeding or sleeping baby. I’m hoping that Gabe might start letting me put him down for naps soon and then I might get a bit of time to get stuff done!

Anyway, needs must so we’ve got a couple of iPhone snaps this week. This first one is the infamous baby who, for now, will only nap on his mama.


The second is my biggest boy playing with his new camera – he always wants to take pictures when we get the big camera out but letting a two year old play with an expensive DSLR isn’t always the best idea so I got him his own wooden one to play with, which is a bit more forgiving of being chucked on the floor!


Living Arrows

Living Arrows 36/52 (2015)

Another week done. This week was my first on my own with both boys as Barry went back to work on Monday. Toby is still going to nursery in the afternoons but as Barry leaves for work at 6:30 am I’ve had to get both of them up, dressed and fed on my own and then had to try and occupy Toby while feeding Gabe for half the morning. Actually, it’s been much better than I expected. I’ve been able to put Gabe in the sling for a large part of the morning most days, and Toby has been really good getting his toys and playing by himself if I’m busy with Gabe. There has been rather more CBeebies than is probably healthy but for now I’m not too worried about that!

Yesterday Barry had the day off work (so I only actually had to do four days on my own) and we all went to Glasgow to see In The Night Garden Live. It was brilliant! Toby loved it, shouting and cheering when his favourite characters came on and clapping and dancing to all the songs. I think Barry and I enjoyed it as much as Toby did too. Gabe slept through most of it only waking up towards the end and I managed to feed him sat on the floor in the auditorium. I think I’m getting the hang of this breastfeeding business!

After the show we had paid the extra £15 to meet Iggle Piggle (expensive, but irresistible) – Toby was a bit shy but he did give Piggle (as he calls him) a cuddle and then we all had our picture taken together. So, although this is just an iPhone picture of the the photo we got I couldn’t not use it as this week’s Living Arrows picture…

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Living Arrows

Living Arrows 35/52 (2015)

It’s been another week of just making it through the days here. Toby is getting more used to Gabe every day and I’m pleased to say he hasn’t shown any signs of jealousy yet, despite so much of my time being taken up with the new baby. He’s still not entirely sure of him though, especially when he’s crying – newborn babies are loud!

We managed to get this snap of them together this week. Toby still really likes stroking his brother’s head and giving him kisses which is adorable…

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Living Arrows

Me & Mine: A Family Portrait (August 2015)

August has really been a month of two halves. The first half of the month was spent very pregnant and waiting for our baby boy to arrive and the last two weeks have been a blur of never-ending feeding, endless loads of washing and very little sleep.

Toby seems to have grown up so much in the last month. He is talking much more than he was at the end of July – he’s now putting words together into short sentences, he tries to copy everything we say, and for the most part he can make himself understood. He’s coped really well with the arrival of his baby brother too. Mostly he isn’t that bothered by him and just ignores him but he does sometimes come and give him kisses or stroke his head. There doesn’t seem to be any jealousy yet at least, although he is still struggling with the fact that he can’t always have me come to him if he wakes up in the night which he has been doing more and more of this last week.

To be honest Toby has probably taken Gabriel’s arrival in his stride more than we have. We knew this wasn’t going to be easy but the last couple of weeks have been some of the hardest we’ve had as a family. Gabe is showing all the signs of suffering with silent reflux just like Toby did, and although we’ve been lucky in that he doesn’t seem to have it too badly and there hasn’t been too much crying, it is mainly manifesting itself as a constant need to feed and an absolute refusal to be put down. Being stuck on the sofa under a feeding or sleeping baby isn’t the worst thing in the world for now, but when Barry goes back to work next week and I have to look after both boys on my own it’s going to be a different story!

This month’s photo certainly represents the last couple of weeks of the month; I’m still wearing my pyjamas, Toby is covered in snot and shovelling apple into his mouth, and we all look knackered…but this is my family, I love all my boys and I wouldn’t change any of them.

Me and Mine August 2015

Living Arrows 34/52 (2015)

Very very late again, but I think it’s excusable with a newborn in the house. It’s just an iPhone snap this week too but it’s the first time I’ve managed to get a proper picture of Toby and Gabe together. Toby has been great with his brother, even if his behaviour hasn’t always been fantastic the rest of the time time week. He’s very gentle with him and likes to stroke his head and give him kisses – very cute!

Living Arrows

Living Arrows 33/52 (2015)

Although as I write this we are now a family of four and I have two ‘Living Arrows’ in my life this post is really about last week so I’m going to dedicate this post to Toby in his last week as an only child. These pictures were all taken last Sunday, when we got back from the beach I had the first sign that labour might not be too far away.

Toby is such a little boy now. He’s a little whirlwind sometimes and loves nothing more than a massive space to run around in. His still so unsure of so many things though, he doesn’t like things he isn’t sure of and can be very set in his ways and can get upset if anything is different.

When we first got to the beach I put him in some crocs that I’d got from Tesco but that he’d never worn before. First up he didn’t like wearing them without socks – when I come to think of it he’s never worn any shoes without socks before so I can see why he was confused. Then he didn’t like it that the sand went through the holes and got on his feet, even though he regularly comes home with sand in his shoes and socks from playing in the sandpit at nursery. Luckily we’d taken his wellies as well as the weather was a bit mixed so we put those on and he was much happier.

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He still wasn’t that convinced about the beach though, although to be fair his dad and I don’t really like beaches either so I can’t blame him! I love this next picture of the two of them together though, I think they had found a shell and Barry was explaining what it was.

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If Toby wasn’t sure to begin with he definitely didn’t like the sand after he picked up two handfuls and threw it into his own face!  After that incident we decamped to the field behind the beach where he had a lot more fun running around like a loon and running towards a blackbird shouting ‘BIRD, BIRD’ and then being surprised when it flew away.

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He may not be the youngest in the family any more but Toby will always be my baby, no matter how big he gets. I love that I have the last 85 weeks of Living Arrows photos of Toby, and from next week I’ll be adding Gabriel into this fabulous record of their lives too.

Living Arrows

Living Arrows 32/52 (2015)

A bit of a cheat this week as I didn’t take this photo – it was taken by Barry using the new lens we got for our DSLR. Toby has pretty much stopped napping completely now but still has a bit of a mid-afternoon slump when he gets tired and grumpy so at the weekends if we’ve not gone out anywhere we quite often have a bit of quiet time watching whatever film happens to be on the Sky Movies Disney or Family channels. So this was taken last weekend…quiet time and mummy cuddles…

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Living Arrows

Living Arrows 31/52 (2015)

It’s been another quiet week of waiting for a baby to arrive – still no sign yet though!

This week’s Living Arrows photo is a bit different – although a very common one whenever I’m trying to take a photo of Toby these days. He’s really interested in the camera now, and has perfected his ‘cheese’ face but a lot of the time just reaches out to try and get hold of the camera himself, and we end up with pictures like this one. I quite like it though, you can really see the cheekiness in his eye…

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Living Arrows